just a legend?

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I push away the vines in front of me, trekking further through the woods. My friends and I thought it would be cool to do a hike through the haunted woods by my house, just for Halloween.

"Yo Paulie!" Jackson yells from behind me. I turn around, "What do you want dude, I just want to find a open patch and sit down!" I groan.

He points to something, and I follow his finger to a perfectly circle patch of green grass, no branches, rocks or leaves."That's a catch!" Jen pipes up from beside me." I shrug, and push away a couple branches to make a clear path.

We pull out some drinks and snacks, and place them in the middle. Our bodies form a circle, me, Jen, Jackson, Hailey, Devon and my little sister, Katie.

Katie starts to talk, but I really wanted to stay quiet and energize back up. Nevertheless she starts to babble,"I did research on this place before we came, you know why it's haunted?"

We all tiredly shrug a shoulder or shake our heads. She smirks, "Well grab some chips and get comfy, its a nice story." I roll my eyes as she starts her probably not that scary story.

"One night, there was an Indian Family hunting in these woods, and the eldest daughter walked off. Her name, Okahato. Okahato wasn't fond of family hunting, She preferred setting traps and waiting for a feast to get caught.

This day, She walked to a clear patch she found and then began hanging an easy trap from a nearby tree. She set a rope so when the creature would step on it, it would be hung by it's foot, and all blood would go to it's head, and kill it.

She was working precisely and carefully, when she heard a crunch in the underbrush, she tried to run behind a tree, waiting for her meal, but instead tripped on a rock, landing face first in the loop. The rope zoomed up and around her neck, and she thrashed and gargled screams, until her body went limp.

Now, it's said, she tempts unlucky spirits with food and water, when they are most dehydrated, and hangs them, to be left to the same fate as her."

I slow clap,"That was an amazing made up story, but you used all of our rest time. So we need to head back before dark."

We all start to get up, and I reach for my backpack in the pile beside us. As my hand goes out, my body is thrown up in the blink of an eye. My breaths are harder, and I feel something around my throat.

I let out a gargled scream as everyone surrounds me, trying to grab a foot or something to pull me down. My body thrashes and convulses, and I see my vision spotting. I'm being hung.

I see a little girl in buffalo skin clothes behind them, and she stares dead at me with her black orbs of eyes. "Should've believed Paulie."

She snaps her fingers, and everyone trying to save me is suddenly hung on trees, thrashing like me. I wheeze out, "Why?" At the girl, still thrashing like a mad man.

She smiles,"I need someone to spread the word."

I'm dead


1 year later

We are the six. We make sure everyone knows the story. We kill for the girl. We are damned to do so for the rest of eternity.

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