Prompt Story

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I got another submission with a prompt, made by @TaylorThePe
Here we go!

My fiance and I were fighting, the usual. He was worried I was overworked. That or cheating.
"Look, let's just get back to the movie. I'll go get us some snacks. You can start it, I've seen it already. By the way, shitty ending. He dies."

I shied, James was always like that. The things he said... the things he...

There was a loud crash in the hallway, so of course I jumped up to see what it was.

As I entered the hallway, I see a woman standing over his dead, and bloodied body.

"He was really getting on my nerves." She looked up, and smiled at me. Myself, her, we were one in the same.

"Let's go have some fun now that we are FINALLY rid of him!" I laughed ad we ran into the night.

Thanks for the submission! Hope y'all enjoy!

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