Gingers don't have souls

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A ginger is someone with red hair,  like me. It's a little joke that we don't have souls and we eat them.  It's all a joke though.  That pic is me. 

Nobody ever noticed her, and I wondered why. She has orange- red hair, porcelain skin, and wore gorgeous black clothes. I thought she was a nice girl, and wanted to become friends. Until.

I am walking to English, she is even in my class, when I see her pull a boy to the side. I nervously stand against the wall, concealing myself and, peeking at her and the boy.

He looks confused, perplexed at her motives. She grabs his neck, looking at him seductively. I want to look away, but I somehow know this isn't just a make out session.

She whispers something in a tongue I'm not familiar with. That's when it gets weird.

Her eyes fill with black, her smile becoming vile. My eyes widen at the sight. He looks like he is going to scream, I almost do. Her mouth opens, revealing deadly sharp teeth. Tongue- like black tentacles spill from her mouth.

I bite my tongue and cover my mouth to keep from screaming. The disgusting tentacles slide down his throat. I gag. She seems almost joyous.

The tentacles come out. His body falls limp. Her hands grab the bloody heart from the writhing black killers.

She pulls what looks like a black aura from the heart. His soul. The black tentacles recede, and she eats the soul, throwing the heart on the ground.

Her black eyes dart to me.

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