Prompt challenge!

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So I have a challenge for you guys! I'm going to give you three prompts, and I want you to send me a short story using it! I will pick the best of each prompt and publish it, and of course I will tag you.

Here are the prompts:

1. You are your grandmas house after her funeral, because you are now the caretaker of the home. There are strange noises coming from the room with her urn. (Vase with her ashes) You investigate...

2. You are walking home late from a party, and someone was following you. You turn into an alley and find...

3. You and your fiancé are at home about to watch a movie, and he is grabbing snacks from the kitchen when you hear a crash from the front hall...

I hope to get lots of entries, and can't wait to read all of your amazing stories! You have until I decide to submit, I'll notify when.

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