The Cathedral

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The chilled air of the night creeps its way down my spine, sending shivers coursing through my body. Still, I persist. 

"Josephine, where are you?" Her gentle voice echoes through the room.

I dare not respond, for fear the spirit might harm me. 

I have grown up believing that entities could not enter places of worship. My family had always seemed to have a demon attached to them. That is, until I became a nun. My lovely parents and my young brother have not seen anything since. 

However, that luck did not extend to me. 

"Josephine, dear, come here!" The song like mannerism of the voice was tempting, but anybody in their right mind knew not to listen to it. 

I locked the doors for my fellow sisters, using the quickly diminishing flame of the torch to find my way through the hall. My eyes can just barely make out the outline of the familiar door, and my legs quicken. 

Her hand grasps at my shoulder. 

My heart stops. 

"Josephine, dear, why don't you come help me?" Her voice crackles, creating an awful noise only described as hell on Earth. 

Hail Mary full of Grace

The beads of my rosary create imprints on my skin as I grip it ever so tight. 

The lord is with thee. 

Her nails dig into my skin, making me wince at as they draw blood. 

"You dirty human! Come help me!" She screeches, trying to pull me back. 

"Blessed art thou amongst women, and blessed is the fruit of thy womb, Jesus." I scream, walking quickly towards my room, just out of reach. 

Before I can do anything, the demon grabs into my flesh, turning me around. I stare, frozen, into the eyes of the devil. Her skin is half charred, half beautiful and innocent. The muscle peels from her face, leaving blood dripping over her matronly dress, long torn from age. 

"H-Holy Mary, mother of God." I stutter, heart racing so fast it might stop. 

She cackles, throwing her head back, "Oh, you think that prayer bullshit can save you now?" Her voice grows louder with each word, paralyzing my body. 

"Pray, for us sinners, now and at the hour of our death. Amen!" I spit, throwing the rosary at the scorched corpse. 

She screams, the delicate beads burning in her exposed skin. I turn to run, praying for safety, and fumble with the key. I panic, breathing heavily. 

"Did you need some help?" She screeches, only making me struggle more. 

Before the moment can register in my brain, my body is thrown back, busting through the door and leaving me sprawled across the ground. I let out screams as my body bleeds, bones cracking. Her dead eyes stare deep into me, eating up every bit of my soul. 

"H-hail Mary." I stutter, a last ditch effort to salvage my soul. 

"Full of Grace!" Sister Margaret jumps into the room, followed quickly by the others. 

I pray the assistance of my fellow nuns might save me. 

"The lord is with thee!" I scream, crying through the pain. The demon creeps closer to me, unfazed. Sister Margaret jumps into action, pressing a crucifix against it's skin. It screams, anger boiling and skin crawling. 

I watch, helpless as the others surround me. 

But I didn't notice her shadow. I can't speak as her essence fills my body, and I take in a deep breath. The black holes in place of once beautiful eyes press themselves into me. I scream, just scream. 

"Josephine!" Margaret pleads, running to my side, "Are you alright?" 

And that's it. My eyes dart to her, "I'm fine." 

It strange, the creeping spirit of a demon consuming my body, but to my sisters, she is still standing outside of the room, and they pray for her to leave. 

I've got to say, she puts on a great show. 

A few moments of pain later, and I stand on shaky legs. 

"Blessed art thou amongst women, and blessed is the fruit of thy womb, Jesus." I grab Sister Margaret's crucifix, holding it against the skin of the impostor. 

"Holy Mary, mother of God, pray for us sinners and now at the hour of our death. Amen." 

I smile, as the figure dissipates. 

"I'm right here Josephine." She whispers, almost a comfort in the back of my head. 

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