Chapter 23

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"C-caspen?" I asked turning human and he stepped forward. His shirt was covered in blood and his face was scuffed up but it was him. I ran forward hugging him. He groaned but hugged me back none the less. I didn't pull away until someone placed a blanket over my shoulders and I realized I was naked, and all the guys had seen my body. I pulled back and grabbed the blanket shivering.

"Y-your dead." I turned to see Josh on his knees in human form. I turned back to see Caspen, power in his eyes. He stepped past me and looked down at Josh.

"I thought you were killed. It was my fault you died. You and Sisca and Zacar." Josh whimpered and Caspen kneeled down putting his hand on his shoulder.

"We all make mistakes, Josh. Don't let yours choose who you are." Caspen said and then he stood straightening out. He got a blanket from Dean and placed it over Josh's shoulders. Josh looked up at him, tears running down his cheeks. I looked over at Dean who was fully healed.

"How?" I asked pointing at his skin where wounds had been.

"Your mother said she could heal. I guess she can revive as well." Dean said before turning and pointing at mother. She was sitting Indian style beside Alec holding her hands over his body. Blue waves a light were slowly leaving her hands and entering Alec's body.

"Your not going to punish me for my troubles?" Josh asked and I turned to Caspen. He was facing me a smile on his face and a sad look in his eyes.

"I have forgiven you. Now you must face your own type of punishment. Guilt and forgiveness. You must lose your guilt and forgive yourself." Caspen told him and Josh looked down. Caspen walked up to me and took my hand.

"You have gone through a lot lately let's get you home." He said and I frowned.

"What about Sisca? Zacar? Your alpha." I said and he nodded.

"Your father and Zacar chose to stay in the spirit world. They only told me a few things before your father gave me Alpha authority." He explained and I nodded we began walking away when a figure came out of the trees.

"So that's it. Your choosing to stay with them?" Jack asked and I kneeled down smiling.

"I can visit both packs, Jack." I told him and Dean came up behind me.

"No you can't." He said and I turned shock in my eyes with pain.

"Why?" I asked and he sighed and Caspen stepped next to me.

"Because we are now one pack. One big pack." Caspen said and I looked at him.

"You mean?" I asked and he nodded.

"Welcome boys!" Caspen said and I was rushed with hugs. Having fifteen boys hug you while your wearing only a blanket is not comfortable. They let go and Caspen took my hand leading me to the house. We got there and everyone went to their rooms to get ready or dinner. Caspen said it was going to be a big celebration. I finished dressing first and went down the steps with a purple dress on. I was greeted seconds later by Josh. He was wearing a tux with no tie.

"Uh, Tara?" Josh asked and I turned to him.

"Yes?" I asked and he sighed.

"Would you accompany me on a walk?" He asked and I looked at the clock.

"Well what about dinner?" I asked and he smiled. I wasn't one o his cocky mean grins. It was a genuine Joshy smile.

"We will be back in time, I promise." He said and I nodded. He led me to the door and held it open so I could go first. I did then he turned closing the door. He walked down the pathway and next to me. We started walking and he shoved his hands in his pockets. We walked in silence for twenty minutes before I broke the silence.

"Its so nice out here." I said and he looked up at the stars.

"Yeah. I never come out anymore." He said and I looked at him. Memories of him and I laying on my house roof flashed through my mind.

"I used to sit there with you and just wish on every star for you to love me." He said suddenly and I sighed. I looked from the stars an awkward silence surrounding us. We walked into the trees and I looked up.

"Your not bringing me here to murder me are you?" I asked and he looked up and cocked an eyebrow.

"Now that you mention it..." He said and I slapped his arm.

"No. I just... I needed to tell you something." He said stopping. I stopped as well and he turned to me. For a second my breath caught in my throat. He reached over and grabbed my hand.

"Tara..." He said but paused for several minutes.

"Listen, I know I've been a jerk lately. And its been really hard for you to think and be yourself but..." He stopped again and I felt my hand beginning to sweat.

"I want you to not let me control your decisions. I want you to choose whoever you love because you love them. Not because it would hurt them if you didn't choose them. Please Tara follow your heart for me." He said and I swallowed the lump in my throat and hugged him. Even if I couldn't accept him as a husband I could as my best friend, again. We pulled away and I looked up at the moon. That's when it hit me, all the drama had distracted me that the time had gone by. I had to choose a husband tonight or face banishment.

"Josh, I have to choose tonight don't I?" I asked and he nodded. I looked down at the ground tears in my eyes. I didn't know who I'd choose. I didn't know anything about anyone.

"I'll let you think. When your ready to come to dinner, you can come." He said before turning and leaving when he was far away I turned and walked off the path and into the trees.

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