Epilogue 4

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Wrote by firerose11


"Karigan did say that they were supposed to show up today, right?" Charles asked, holding Zane as I finished pulling on my coat.

"They'll be here, you worrier," I said, kissing his cheek. "There is only so much she can to do to get six kids ready by herself and have them arrive on time."

He transferred our son into my arms, and I smiled at the expression on his little face. "He looks so much like you, Charles," I whispered.

"I hope that was a compliment because I'm wanting a girl next time," Charles told me, "and while I'm hoping that she looks more like her mother, I know she'll inherit something from me."

I blinked at him, uncertain whether to kiss him for what he had just said or smack him for implying that we have another baby so soon after I had gone through that torture.

Though Zane was cute enough that I could go for another baby. Just one more, and then I'd be happy enough to adopt other kids.

Luckily for Charles, there was a knock on the door to save him from my decision (which was leaning more and more towards the slap before the kiss). He strode forward to open it since my hands were full of baby.

"Your Highness, your family has arrived and are now waiting in the gardens. However, there is a note for your wife that I was asked to deliver to her," the palace guard said, holding out an envelope.

"Thank you," my husband answered, taking the offered object and promptly shutting the door in the guard's face. "Note for you, Ember."

I managed not to roll my eyes and took the note from him before handing Zane back. "Thank you, ever-so helpful husband."

"You're sassy today, but I understand the thoughts running through your head," Charles said. "I'll just leave you alone with that note while I go introduce the newest member of our family."

Ignoring him, (I wasn't sassy), I opened the envelope.

Please come meet me in the Women's Room. I would prefer to keep our first face-to-face meeting since the Selection private.

"I'll come join you in a while. I feel like I need to meet with the sender of this note immediately," I told Charles, kissing his cheek. "Just make sure that none of the other kids drop Zane and that Karigan knows that I'm not snubbing her."


"I was awful to you during Charles's Selection, yet you still wanted me here," Celia said as soon as I walked into the room. "You've got more goodness in your heart than I would under those circumstances. I would have banished the person who dared to do such a thing as far away as possible."

I took a seat across from her. "I admit that for the first few months that was all I wanted to do. I wanted to send Charles and you both to New Asia or something. You both hurt me so much, in your own different ways, that I thought that it would make me feel better to hurt you some way.

"However, I have seen what happens when you let bitterness fester within you, what happens when you're caught up in feeling sorry for yourself. If I had held onto everything that you had done and let that anger and hatred build up, I wouldn't have been able to find love, much less myself, again."

I sighed and looked into Celia's eyes, hardly remembering that the two of us had ever been on separate sides. "I learned that forgiveness is not meant for the person who hurt us; it's all for the person who was hurt, so that they can go on living. We both love Charles, granted in different ways, but I wasn't going to get in the way of your relationship with your brother and I don't want you to get in the way of my relationship with my husband."

She smiled slightly. "Sometimes, I have a hard time trusting those closest to me. I did it to Flynn, I did with Charles, and now I found I did it with you. Ember, I do believe that we could learn plenty from each other, and even if we don't start as friends, I want to be a good sister to you."

"I've never had a sister, but what I've learned from my older brothers is that no matter how much you think you hate your siblings, they'll always be there for you in your greatest hour of need," I grinned back at her. "I think I would enjoy being both your sister and your friend. After all, I think you could give me some good tips when it comes to keeping Charles under control."

Celia stood and wrapped her arms around me, squeezing hard. "Thank you so much, Ember. You have given me more than you could ever imagine."

I hugged her back. "You gave up your brother. I think I owed you some. Now, how about we go join the rest of the family now?"

It was crazy how much my life had changed in six years. I had gone from despising the very idea of the Selection to making an enemy of the queen to falling in love with the prince to losing him, only to gain so much more.

I had lost so much: communication with my parents, Charles, Tanner. I had gained so much: the prince I loved, seven beautiful children, Karigan.

It was not my first choice to enter the Selection, and I might not have ben Celia's first choice for Charles, but I was Charles's choice.


Hi, guys! This was the final epilogue! I hope everyone enjoyed this and keep an eye out. We should be sharing an A/N soon with information about more stories!


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⏰ Last updated: May 30, 2016 ⏰

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