Chapter 6

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"I'm not going back." Ratchet said siting with his back on a rock while cleaning himself with his cap." But Ratchet we have to..." Clank said," Look if you want to go back, then go. But I ain't going with you." Ratchet said back while finishing claw in his face." But why don't you don't you want to go back. Elaris might be worry....."" Look the reason why I don't want to go is because I don't want to show my face in public." Ratchet said, he blame himself for the death of the Rangers. Clank told him that why is he taking all the blame.
Wind blows strong leaves fall down. The sky was gray." Ratchet we have to... What about Elaris....and Grim." Ratchet's eyes widen then went back to normal. There were small volcanoes with gas coming from them. Clank took a look a Ratchet and saw black bags under his eyes. Sure Ratchet hadn't slept in for weeks." You should get some rest Ratch...." He stopped in mid-sentence and saw something on Ratchet."What?...." Ratchet raised an eyebrow. Clank didn't have words to say so instead he pointed at Ratchet chest. Then Ratchet looked to where he was pointing and he's eyes widen  and freaked out," what the heck!! How? When this happen." He looked at Clank and looked back at his chest which he rubbed it off with blood on his glove. He kept just staring at the blood and....fainted." Hey wake up!! Ratchet wake your ass up!!" Clank said, he kept shake Ratchet and then," I'll give you your spirt back!" And then Clank started slapping  Ratchet so hard that he opened one eye and saw something horrible," what the heck!!!! A monster!!" Ratchet yelled. Clank just stood there and said," who are you calling monster, Ratchet?" He said just standing there in confusing. Ratchet was scared as heck. Clank sighed and told him that he fainted and that he had to slap him to wake up." Why did you slap me? So hard pal."" Will you didn't wanted to wake up, so I didn't had any other way, or what do you wanted me to put some ice in your..."" No no no no, I'm okay with just a slap in the face.... But not a hard one." They both stared at each other and smiled.

Then they both heard a creepy sound." What was that?" Ratchet said, standing up."I do not know."" Just keep your pealed okay pal." Ratchet said and clank nodded.
"The noise came from a over there Ratchet. Behind that rock." Ratchet nodded and head to the rock. He lifted his wrench up high. He was getting closer and closer and closer. He looked and found nothing,"Eh? Nothing behind here pal. Might of been just the wind." He said, and lower his wrench and before he was going head back to the rock he been in the past few weeks." RATCHET!!!" He heard clank's voice and ran to get back to him. But was then knocked to the floor, he then saw a creature with a hood on,but no mask." Hey what was that for pal." Ratchet said but the hood person didn't speak, instead it lifted it's hand and told him to come.
Ratchet ran with wrench in hand. Of course Ratchet was weak right now because he didn't had anything to eat in the past few weeks.
Then he got hit straight into the nose(which it didn't broke) and he fell down with a bloody nose. Ratchet got up and said," is that all you got....",he was already dizzy from the hit, the person in the black hood ran up to him and got get kicked in the face that fell down on his back," You had enough...." He said then blacked out.

"Wow, he got beat up by a girl." The hood person then turned to him and took off its hood to show itself was a girl." Yeah, and I thought he had gotten stronger over these 10 years." They both laughed while ratchet was still in the ground blacked.

"Pardon me, but who may you be,Miss." Clank asked the girl." My name is Arianna. Arianna Gomez, and I'm 20 years of age." She said.

A/n: 😱 I have no words....
What would Ratchet's reaction be if he sees her again. Stay tuned to see what happens next..!

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