Felt kinda bored so......

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A/n: felt bored so here a story of what happen when Ratchet defeated the maked man. Which i never wrote, so here is what happen after 9 years later.

"Mommy! Theo and Nathan  won't let me play with them."

Sarada smiled and looked at her daughter who is 3years old. Her name was Yuki. " Theo and Nathan let your sister  play with you." She said, and Yuki put her arms up, in a sign that she wanted to be carried.

"But mom, me and nate are playing snow ball fight." Theo said, as he stopped. It was a snowy day in Aleero city, it wasnt then Theo and Nathan threw a snow ball at a lombax that was at the age of yellow lombax with was at the age of 24. They hit him right in the face.

Sarada gasped and put a hand,"omg are you okay?" She with a bit of a laugh.
"Hahah daddy got hit with a snow ball." Yuki laughed and clapped.  And Nathan, Theo, Yuki, and Sarada  laughed at the young lombax.

"Opps sorry dad, we didnt know you were there." Said the twins. Ratchet ran up too them and hugged them.
"Come on lets go, or else we are gonna be late." Ratchet said," oh yeah you are right!  Come on kids."

In the orphanage jay was looking at the kids with both of their parents, while he didnt have his parents. He only knew one thing, it was that his mother was the galactic ranger named Cora. He would have nightmares of the masked man. He always wished he would get adopted, althought begin only 9 years old was lonley.  It was then, that the day was the he would get adopted by a family.

"Jay, there's a someone who would like to meet you." Said the orphanage lady, and jay who has been staring at the window turned to look at her.

He didn't know that a family would adopted him,for this Christmas. Even though Christmas is two weeks away.

He followed a lady and walked silently.

Jay heard three voices, he looked up and saw a family of five. Two adults and three children. " HELLO!" Yuki said she reallt liked meeting new kids. She and her twin brothers  ran up to him. " Mommy daddy is he gonna be our knew brother?" Questioned Nathan  who looked really excited, Sarada smiled  and said yes. "Jay this is your new family, the Daiz."

Jay's eyes widen when he heard the word 'family'.

"You.... mean that I'm....gonna be ylur new....family....?" He said and Ratchet said yes. He was about to cry when he found himself begin hugged."Welcome to the your new family." Ratchet said. 'You look just like your mother......cora. i promise I'll take good care of your son.'

Clank was with Lightning inside there garden. "Papa do you think mama would like these roses?" Said lighting who was  a human, he may have his mothers red, blue eyes, and tan skin, but he has his fathers face. The rose waz inside a glass."Yes i bet she well, and plus these roses are her favorites, she would always have them in her hand smelling them."

Lightning  hugged his father, and said," i want to meet Mommy dad, why did she had to go?." He said and clank told that his mom, Sally Reyes died when he was born a day later. " but at least  you have me right." Clank said and Lightning  nodded and told Clank  to help  him bulit a snowman.
Clamk nodded.

Elaris and her husband and son drinking hot chocolate. They laughed and talked, Elaris would tell her stories of her friends. There son'sname was Steve,a 7 year old boy who was born in a early summer of June. " elaris, why dont we go and make a sonwman?" Said her husband, and she nodded. They wentand play in the snow, Elaris was pregnant with triplets.

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