Chapter 7

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Ratchet was still blacked out. Arianna who mysteriously just appeared out of nowhere was carrying Ratchet on her shoulder. Clank was walking beside her. Arianna and Clank were to busy talking that they didn't realize that Ratchet was waking up. Uhh... My head and face hurts like heck.....Wait a minute...*sniff* that smell I recognize....,Ratchet thought. The smell, black hair, white fur.... Wait, who the heck is clank talking tooooo~, he turned his head around and his eyes widen to see someone very familiar.

Clank then looked at Ratchet who seemed to see him awake with his eyes wide open," Oh, you finally decided to wake up Ratchet." They stopped and Arianna put Ratchet down. She smiled at him." Hey there sleepy head. So you decided to wake huh?" She said with a laugh."I've finally have found you...." Ratchet said under his breathe. Arianna then looked at him in a confused way. She looked at Ratchet then at clank." Uhmm. Ratchet are you okay?" Clank with worried tone, Ratchet then his eyes began to fill up with water. He turned his hands into fists." I've been.....lo...looking for you.....all....these....years....and now I've finally.....found you!" He said in a happy sad tone. But then out of no where he slapped her cross the face. Something Arianna wasn't expecting,she touched her face because it was a hard slap," leave..... With any trace nor note...."Ratchet kept crying and then out of no where he got pulled into a hug," I'm so sorry Ratchet I...I had to leave for a reason." Arianna said.

Clank in the other hand, heard a noise," Who's there.?" Clank said, who was going straight to the noise he heard. Clank turned back and was about to tell Ratchet and Arianna (who were still hugging)," uhmm ...Rat..." Clank was cut off when a net caught him. Ratchet then opened his eyes and to see Clank with a net over him. The net the pulled Clank into the woods." CLANK!!!" Ratchet said he let go Arianna and started running towards the direction the net took Clank."CLANK!!!HOLD ON PAL IM COMING!!!""RATCHET!!!!LOOK OUT!!!" Clank pointed to the top of the trees. There figures dressed in black." What the..." He was cut off when one of the black figures threw an arrow at him, Ratchet dodged it. He then looked up to find himself being point at with guns that had red lasers, and others had a bow and arrows. But some  probably like three or five had swords. Ratchet who then checked his ammo of his guns," great I don't have that much am..."he could finish his sentence , because someone had threw an arrow at him but landed between his legs which were open.

"Hey watch where you shooting that thing!!" Ratchet yelled,one of them said to go and get him.

Clank in the other hand, was still being pulled in the net." Let me go!!!" Clank said." Shut it tin can!"" Yeah shut it or else you'll become scarp metal."
"Hey, pinhead how about to take that back!" They turn to see to where the voice came from. Clank looked around too see who it was. The two stranger that were pulling Clank took out their guns and were pointing everywhere.
Then out of nowhere one of them got kicked in the balls."oh my genders!!" The other turned his attention to Panther and looked at Clank," You are a funny one aren't ya!"he said and said he did not do anything." Well, I guess it's time to..."" Not on my watch!!!"" Why you son of~" there were shootings

"Ahhhh~." Ratchet's ears moved at the sound."CLANK!!!Don't worry pal!! I'm coming for y.... SON OF QWARK!!!!" Ratchet said."Ratchet are you alright." Arianna said with an expression on her face." Yeah I'm fine Oreo Lady. Just can't seem to see with a black eye."" Oops that well be my fault."   One of them threw a bomb at the bad guys."GET HIM DR STRUTS SAID TO KEEP HIM ALIVE!!!" They all jumped from their position to where Ratchet and Arianna are.

"WE ARE SO SCREWED!!" Ratchet said.
A/n: sorry  for the really late update guys. Got a lot of stuff to do. Any way I hope I can update some more.
Tito<-- that my name well not really my real name but you get the point right.
Tito out.

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