Chapter 9

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Hehe you still make a mess when you eat a cup of chocolate pudding., Arianna thought. They have been eating cups of pudding. Arianna was cleaning Ratchet's face while he was asleep hugging the bag of R.J, because he had chocolate pudding in his face. She was awake, when she was done cleaning his face, she started at the fire.
"Make my mine a chocolate..." He said while sleeping, he let go of the bag and was face up with his arms spread. Arianna saw something on Ratchet's chest. What the?....Arianna then took something out of R.J bag. Nano tech.

She placed some of the nano tech on his chest, which made him fitch and turn to the other side . Arianna saw
what fell from Ratchet's back pocket. A packet full of...Pictures. Why would he have pictures. She wanted to see what kind of pictures did he had, so she went one by one through them.
One them was when Ratchet was celebrating his 1st birthday. She smiled at the picture. She was only 6, she had a pink shirt and light brown pants. Grim was the one who took the picture. She went through the others and stopped on one. She looked at Ratchet and clank( who sleeping next to him) then back at the picture. So you really did made your dreams of becoming a ranger." Where is this place at?" She whispered.

The sun was rising, the birds were signing. There was a sound of leaves being walked on. Everybody was asleep, Arianna was sleeping next to Ratchet and Clank.
Someone was in front of Ratchet, it had a green shirt and black pants, it also had something shaped like a baseball bat. Then out of nowhere,"AGHHHHH!!!!" Everybody woke up really fast by the sound of a scream." What is going on!" Said R.J and Clank together. Everyone looked around and saw Ratchet crawled into a ball." BAMMM bammm , take this you stupid idiot,take this and this and this and this!" Ratchet was crawled in a ball still." Michael where are you!*gasp* MICHAEL STOP IT!!" Michael turned around to see his mom." Mommy look I found an idiot sleeping in the ground."

"Sorry about my son he's just a troublemaker and I'm sorry about your friend too." Clank said it was okay," Pardon me, but what is your name?" Clank asked." Oh my name is..." She was cut off ,"BAMMM BAMMM BAMMM BAMMM!!"" Hey stop it you little!!" Michael Was hitting Ratchet again and Ratchet was pissed. He got up and grabbed Michael by the shirt and said," WOULD YOU CUT IT OFF!STOP HITTING YOU LITTLE CRAP!!!""NEVER YOU DUMBHEAD!!" He hit Ratchet again in the head." That's it I had enough of this!!" He took the bat from the kid and he smashed his head with Michael.

Everyone was shocked. The hit caused the boy to fall on the floor in front of Ratchet." That should teach him a lesson." Ratchet said and then turned." Hey where are you going?"" Going to take a leak. Why you want to do in front of you." Ratchet said." What no! Are you crazy." Sarada said turning red. Ratchet didn't even notice her face turning red.


Ratchet, Clank, Arianna, Sarada, and R.J were walking down a track. The girls were talking about....girl stuff.
The boys which are only two Clank and Ratchet, were talking about weapons and ships and even inventions." So that is the  reason why I also always save bolts to get the most awesome weapon the R.Y.N.O which stands for Rip Ya A New One." Ratchet said, he really loved that weapon. Clank was talking when he was staring at R.J.

Ratchet saw Clank looking at R.J, he then looked at him then at her. An imaginary light bulb turned on, and he had an idea. His idea was to make Clank tell why he always stares at her."WHAT!? What are you talking about Ratchet?" Clank said in surprise." Aww... Come on just admit Clank you know you like her." Ratchet said with a smirk on his face. He saw that Clank was blushing." Ratchet.... Wh-what are you talking about..." He said but know even blushing more than before,"Pfffftttt. Hahahahahahahaha!!!!" Ratchet was laughing to the top of lungs that he fell backward and landed on his back he payed flat. He then hugged his stomach." like her Pal......hahahahaha ""Stop laughing Ratchet!!!! It not even funny!!!!" Clank tone made Ratchet laugh even more, the girls then stopped on their tracks and looked behind to Ratchet and Clank fighting.

"What in the name of the zoni are they fighting." Arianna said,she put her hands in her hips." Why is Ratchet even laughing about? Clank is on top of him while slapping his face....."

"Stop it Ratchet!!! Stop telling me that I'm in love with...." He was cut off when ratchet said," don't lie to me pal.... I know you every well you.....hahahahaha.... Oh my stomach....."" WHAT did i tell you not to laugh to much or else you'll get a tummy ache." He then cut off him and heard R.J say something behind him. It caused him to fall over Ratchet and to the other." Oh...ummm R.J what are you doing here?" Clank said with a blush on his face." Well because you were on top of Ratchet and slapping him in the face while he was laughing like a crazy dude.""Hey!!!" Ratchet said while getting up and brush the dust off." Who do you think you're  callin crazy." " Welllll, because Clanksaid something about,'stop it Ratchet! Stop telling me that I'm in love with....'" She said then Ratchet was about to tell her why he was laughing but then realize he would be a jerk and told a lie that Clank liked a toaster.


Elaris was looking at the window. She saw everybody in the hall of heroes, there were statues of Captain Qwark, Brax ,Cora, and Ratchet and Clank. The citizens were putting flowers on their statues. Some were crying and others were just sitting in chairs. The sky was filled with black clouds which caused the city of Aleero look sad. Who would of done this. Elaris though." May I come in Miss Elaris." A voice said Elaris turned to see a someone familiar." Oh Mr Grimoth  Razz please come in." Grim came in, was dressed in black. "Wahh...wahh.""he probably awake."Elaris said as she walked to where the crying was. When Elaris came back she told Grim to take a look at the baby who was born two mouths ago." So what do you think he looks a lot like him don't you think?"" Yeah he definitely does. Who's a cute baby you are." Grim said while holding him." You know you have his eyes, you have them....."
Kaboom!!! He was interrupted by an explosion." What was that?!" Elaris said as she looked at the window to see the citizens running for their lives." Grim we need to get out of here now!" "But what about the..."" I'll sent the Rangers to go and protect the citizen..gahhhh!!!" A middle went through the wall and caused a hole. Elaris eyes widen so as Grim's. The baby was crying in Grim's arms. The only things there was the crus of the baby and black smoke. There was foots steps that banged against the floor." Hand  over the child or else no one will get hurt, just like Qwark,Brax and the child's mother Cora." A deep voice said the man had a masked on." Give me the child that the only thing he'll do."
What is talking about....." Hand me the  chilllddddddd!" The masked man was angry he took out his chains that were still covered in blood." Wahhhhwahhhhwahhh" the baby cried.

He snapped his chins and spin them around on top of his head and threw to were Grim, Elaris , and the baby were." AHHHHHHHHGHHHHHHH!!!!!!!'"

A/n:sorry for the late update please don't kill me.

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