Chapter 8

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ayee my hand doesn't look too shabby 

Patrick's POV

Ashlynn has been back there for a while now and I'm getting worried. I know it was just a gash but I don't know what else happened before I got there.

"Mr. Stumph?" I nurse with a clipboard asks me. I've been in the waiting room for about 5 hours now.

I look up at her with bloodshot eyes. From being tired and from silently crying.

"Yes?" I ask with a shaky voice.

"Miss Joy is out of surgery now. She had glass in the gash on her cheek and we didn't need that to get infected. She also got a concussion from when...." she trailed off, not knowing what happened. (a/n i honestly don't think i gave Ashlynn a last name in the beginning. whoops)

"I guess she fell back and hit her head after she was hit with the bottle." I replied, yet again with my shaky voice.

"Okay, well, you can go back and see her now. Room 182." 182. Man that number brings back memories. *Cough* Detention *Cough cough*.

I walk to room 182 and slowly open the door. Ashlynn was still as pale as a ghost, and the gash on her cheek had stitches through it. She was in a pale blue hospital gown and was covered up with pale blue bed sheets.

She was still as beautiful as ever.

Ashlynn's POV

I tried to open my eyes, but even the smallest amount of light coming through my eyelids hurt to much. Suddenly, I'm hit with pain on the right side of my face. I try to remember what happened, but I can't. I do remember yelling, a lot of yelling, and Patrick at one point.

I try to open my eyes again, this time being successful. I look over to my left and see Patrick asleep in the chair next to the bed.

"P-Patrick." I say with a croaky voice. He instantly shoots up.

"Ashlynn. Oh my God. I'm so sorry about what happened. If I would've been there you wouldn't be here and I'm just really sorry," he blurts out all at once.

"Don't worry about it babe. I'm fine now." He blushes at the name I called him.

"Babe?" he asks with uncertainty in his voice.

"Um, yeah. What else would I call you, you silly goose?" I reply.

"Apparently a 'silly goose'. What even is that?" Patrick asks.

"You." I said while trying to laugh, but it hurt really bad. I winced, causing Patrick to jump up.

"Oh my God, Ashlynn. Are you okay?" Patrick asks while coming over to my side.

"Better than ever, now that you're here, 'Trick."

Who doesn't love short chapters?



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