Chapter 20-Final Chapter

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Ashlynn's POV

Today is mine and Patrick's anniversary. It feels like it was just yesterday when I walked down the aisle to the man of my dreams. 

Pete walked me down, taking the place of my dad, but it was just as good. Patrick looked amazing. I'm pretty sure my jaw went slack for a second. He had on a solid black tuxedo and  a white handkerchief along with a small rose in his breast-pocket. He didn't have his usual fedora on, and he looked hot. Honestly, I just wanted to skip to that night. I'll never forget that.

There wasn't a dry eye in the house. Everyone was crying and sniffling, quietly though. It was such a happy day. Patrick saw me crying the other day and eating ice cream. I was just remembering how much shit my mom had put me through, what she did to me and caused me to do the myself. Patrick literally saved my life. He was so worried, it was adorable. He cuddled with me the rest of the day and skipped hanging out with the guys. We watched Ghostbusters and ate ice cream until we were on the verge of being sick.

I love days like that with him. 

Anyways, today was unfortunately a weekday, meaning I had to work. I love working at the record store and all, but I hate my boss. He's the literal definition of a dickhead. His name is Ryan and he's the only person who can ruin my day by 8:30 am. I mean, if he didn't have such an attitude he would be fine but he is just...UGH. I can't even begin to explain. It's the little things too, like knocking over a stack of records "accidentally". I want to quit so bad, but I don't want to just be a stay-at-home-mom. 

I tried my best to avoid Ryan today, just so I wouldn't take my anger out on Patrick or an object in the house. It was 8:16 am when I walked in the record shop doors. An...older smell filled my senses, giving me sudden nostalgia from high school working here. I go to the backroom and set my purse and lunch down on the table. I look at the time on my phone before putting that and my earbuds in my back pocket. 8:18. Wow, new record.

I pop my earbuds in and put on Blink-182's album Enema of the State. I still can't get over how freaking good this album is, and it came out it 1999! Okay, no need to get into the history of Blink-182 now. I need to get as much done as possible so I don't have to come in tomorrow. I was shelving some records when I picked up a very familiar looking one, From Under the Cork Tree, I almost wanted to cry. That feels like it was just yesterday when in reality, it was 11 years ago.  

"Ashlynn!" Ryan yelled, obviously hungover and cranky. "Yeah?" I asked, taking out one of my earbuds and continuing to shelve the records. "You're late. You're always late! I don't know why I haven't fired you yet!" he yelled at me. "Well, if you've been considering that, I'd like to quit." I said with a smirk. " what?" Ryan asked confused. "You heard me. I'm done with your constant bullshit Ryan!" I said, speed walking to the back room to grab my things. I could hear his footsteps behind me. "Ashlynn, you're not going anywhere," he said trying to grab my wrist. "Beg to fucking differ," I said while getting out of his grip and walking out the back door (I LOVE HER ANYWAYYYY). "Oh, and I want my check at the end of the week." I yelled over my shoulder. "You're not getting another check!" Ryan yelled from the steps. I got in my car and drove off, but not before flipping him off. Freedom feels good. 

Patrick's POV

I was at the studio, Ashlynn was at work, and Delcan was with my parents for the next two days. He hasn't seen them in a while and today is mine and Ashlynn's anniversary. I still can't believe the guys and us decided to record today, of all days! I wish Ashlynn and I could just spend time together, and she deserves a day off. I've met her boss and I couldn't stand breathing the same air as him. I don't know how she does it. My phone starts going off. I look at the Caller ID, Princess <3, instantly making me smile. "I'm gonna take this guys." "Okay," they all yelled out.

I walked outside onto the street and answered on the third ring as usual. "Hey Princess," I said while smiling and daydreaming, mostly daydreaming. "Hey babe," Ashlynn said, sounding more happy than she usually does at work. "Guess what?" she said in a sing-song voice. "Oh no what did you do Ashlynn are you okay?" I said, instantly worried with her tone. "Everything is perfect, because I just quit my job." she said and the worried that filled me was replaced with relief and joy. "Oh thank god. I don't think I would've been able to stand that Ryan guy anymore." I said. "I know, and I still can't figure out why I didn't quit sooner. Well I have to go, I'm going to pick up some groceries. Love you." Ashlynn said while smooching into the phone. "I love you too, mon cheri." I said, knowing she loves when I speak different languages. "Holy shit Patrick you know that turns me on and I'm about to go into Walmart." I laughed at her. "No but seriously, I love you. Bye." she said before hanging up. I shook my head before walking back inside.  "Okay, let's do this," I said while putting some headphones on and pulling the lyrics on my phone up. 

--le time skip-- 

Okay, everything is set up. I got the food, the music, and the candles. Ashlynn was taking a shower in our bathroom and I was thinking about joining her but decided against it. I don't know why. Wait, yes I do. I still have to get the table set up. 

After that was done, I heard Ashlynn's footsteps from down the hall. I told her not to dress up really nice, I mean, we're just in our dining room. I was wearing my skinny jeans and denim shirt that she likes so much, along with my fedora and glasses that she also loves. I looked up at her and she looked...perfect. As always. She was wearing black skinny jeans and a David Bowie crop top that she made herself. She didn't have any makeup on and still looked wonderful. I was wondering if I could just skip dinner and take her to the bedroom. 

I got her favorite, Chinese food. Panda to be exact. Look, I know I'm supposed to be romantic today, but I cannot cook anything other than pancakes, eggs, and bacon. I picked her up bridal style and took her to her chair and kissed her. "Umm. 'Trick I appreciate the ride but I could've walked to my seat. It was like, 10 feet away." Ashlynn said while laughing. "But royalty shouldn't have to walk," I said while sitting down in my seat. "'Tricky come sit beside me." Ashlynn whined. I got up and pulled her chair out. She stood up herself so I could sit down. Ashlynn sat on my lap and I rested my head on her shoulder, my arms snaked my way around her bare sides naturally. 

"I love you." she said while picking up a piece of orange chicken. "I love you too." I said while pecking her cheek. "I was talking to the deceased chicken but I love you too." Ashlynn said while giving me the piece of chicken. I gladly accepted it and stared at her. "Damn," I said under my breath. "What?" Ashlynn said while giggling. "How did I end up so lucky?" I asked her. "I always ask myself the same thing babe." she said while grabbing the sides of my face and kissing my forehead. I giggled and picked her up, running to the bedroom. You can guess how the rest of the night went. 

end of book one. 

guys. i did it i freaking did it i wrote and completed a book oh my goshhhhh. 

okay, so i'm already kind of sort of working on a sequel and it's called Growing Up. Declan will be in ninth or tenth grade, so major time skip. Patrick and Ashlynn will be in their early forties (wtf i'm debating the time skip now s  cratch that) i want to keep them as young as possible but not like, 20 years old and i don't want it to look like Ashlynn was pregnant at 18 bc she wasn't. (that was after marriage) Patrick and Ashlynn are around 26/27 in this and Declan is 3, so for Declan to be in high school will be 12 years from now. Late thirties then if i did the math right. But yeah, it'll be Declan's story. I'm gonna have Saint, Bronx, and Ruby in it as well, I might even make Brendon and Sarah have a kid, who knows. 

Anyways, thank you guys SO SO SO SO SO SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO MUCH for the reads, votes, and comments :) thanks for sticking through this trainwreck since May. I love you guys! 

Signing off,

brianna <3

p.s. (haha) 





Signing off until the sequel is up,

brianna <3


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