Chapter 3 - Free Roaming

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okay first off i totally ship Steroline they are like adorable together and i read on a website there might be a possible romance I HOPE SO!!! anyway refer to the disclaimer at the very start and let's get this show on the road.

it was the morning after the carnival and i heard Matt sneak in last night, Care told me that she controlled her thirst and managed to hug Matt and not feed i was pound of her. but right now i was stuck the sun was beaming and all the curtains were shut. i was stuck in my room. there was a knock on the door and i opened my bedroom door keeping to the shadows.

it was Matt and Care was near the door i sat next to her and hugged her.

"everything will be alright Care, Stefan will get us out of here" i whispered. i heard Matt leave a message for Caroline, he then got in his truck and left.

"i hate this Beth, were are prisoners in our own home." she cried i hugged her

"come on lets go to your room and chill" she nodded and we headed to her room i looked through the drawers and pulled out some nail varnish she smiled and i began to paint her nails.

"how can you be so calm about this" she asked me.

"like i said i knew about this stuff before Stefan gave me the outline on what he does" i replied painting her toes.

"you never did tell me how?" she pressed i sighed and began about Dad stories to Halloween founders day everything she was left stunned.

"you had to go through that on your own I'm so sorry Beth" she hugged me at this point i had done her toes and fingers and she had finished mine as well. there was a knock on the door. it was Stefan.

"Door's open!" i yelled. the door opened and Stefan came upstairs with Bonnie. i had to pull myself back from attacking her. she chucked to rings onto the bed Caroline picked one up while i just laid there

"so what. i don't get to choose the ring i wear for the rest of my life?" Care asked

"hey if you don't want it" Bonnie started

"no she wants it. they both do" Stefan assured her.

"now what. because I'm getting bored here" i spoke

"now is when i tell you the rules the witch who spells the ring has the power to de spell it so if you hurt anyone..." we cut her off.

"we're not gonna hurt anyone" we said she glared at us

"you guys are vampires. the urge to kill anyone is a part of who you are now the minute you let it take over i will stop you" i zoned out she was really starting to piss me off. the Curtin opened and i pulled away. Bonnie closed her eyes then opened the handing us the rings. i to one and put it on my middle finger.

"that's it. nothing witchy happened no flickering lights, gust of wind. have you done this before" i snickered

"Caaaroline" Stefan drawled playfully.

"what i just want to make sure it worked" she retorted Bonnie pulled back the curtain we squealed

"it worked" Bonnie said

"what if it hadn't Bonnie" i rolled my eyes.

"well this is fun and all but where she is I'm not" i said pointing to Bonnie

"what's that supposed to mean." Stefan asked me

"2 things i can't stand the sight of her and I'm hungry." i shrugged folding my arms

"Beth" Stefan started

"what she the whole reason me and Care are vampires"

"how am i. Katharine killed you." she asked

"why was i there in the first place oh i know mainly because the device YOU were supposed to de spell you didn't it got activated which somehow cause Tyler pain i tried to help and both of us ended in hospital. YOU asked Damon to give us blood THEN Katharine killed us. she may have pulled the trigger but you as good as handed her the gun." i yelled Stefan came and hugged me. i started crying.

"i never wanted to be a vampire neither did Caroline but the sequence of events leading to Katharine killing us started with you. so go ahead de spell my ring cause me pain but i want you to know my death is on your hands" i told her then hugged Stefan back. he shushed me, Bonnie left and Care hugged my back.

after i stopped Crying i looked up at Stefan.

"do... do you think that i could control myself on blood bags from the hospital?" he thought about it for a second and nodded.

"you handled the body yesterday pretty well but Caroline i think you should try my diet so how about we get some blood bags then me and Caroline will go hunting" we agreed and went to get blood. we were back in the car when i called Jeremy.

"hey what you doing." he answered i smiled

"I'm on my way back to mine how do you feel about doing some DIY?" i asked

"DIY?" he questioned

"I'll tell you when i see you just come to mine and bring some tools" i told him

"okay I'll see you soon" we hung up Stefan looked in the rear view mirror.

"what are you up to?" he asked i smiled at him.

"I'm going to modify my room to meet new requirements." i told him he chuckled and shook his head he dropped me off back at the house where Jeremy was waiting. i said goodbye to the others and ran and kissed him.

"hey to you too. so what are we doing and what's in there." we walked into my house.

"i need to create different places to store blood and in here are blood bags. all over my room i want to put secret compartment only you and i know about. that and i don't want my mom coming across them. she is not a fan of vampires to her i might as well be enemy number one." i opened my bedroom door.

"how can you walk in the daylight?" he asked i held up my hand

"Bonnie made us these daylight rings" i replied

"okay let's get to work." i sighed we began taking things apart then putting them together with coolers and freezer parts (not my freezer) and put one in the extension part of the bed a wall behind my wardrobe and under a mat. when we finished we collapsed on my bed existed.

"i want to sleep now" i whined it was dark and i was sleepy.

"well go on then." he replied.

"will you stay with me?" he nodded and we fell asleep together

how was that i wanted to add my scope that i realized while i was writing the first book about the whole sequence thing not that i have anything against Bonnie just well... anyway hope you like it bye 

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