Chapter 9 - Halted

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it was the next day and i was packing for our trip to the lake house. obviasly i was done in no time at all. i went into Caroline's room where Damon was.

"hey sorry to interrupt but i need you to tell mom that since me and Jer have been going through a rough patch he's taking me to his family's lake house for a few days" i exhaled they looked at me.

"oh where you two talking about Tyler. my bad."

"seriously Beth you want to go now with everything that's going on?" she questioned

"apart from Tyler triggering the curse Katharine is gone and i need a break. besides the whole Tyler thing will be there when we get back." i shrugged

"well I'm going to love ya and leave ya to get Jeremy" i chirp leaving her and grabbing duffle bag, phone and car keys before going to the car. i arrived at Jer's and honked letting Jer know i arrived. a few minutes later he came out and smiled at me. he opened the trunk and chucked his back in, closing it he got into the passenger seat.

"so you got the all clear?" i ask.

"after persuasion yes. but before we go i need to talk to Stefan, so can we go to school first" i sighed and nodded. when we pulled up outside school i switched off the engine, got out, locked the car and followed Jeremy.

"hey Stefan. could you tell Elena that if she's gonna stay at your house to let me know. i know your back to gather and all.." he was cut off

"wait me and Elena are not back together." he told him

"but her beds not been slept in and Mrs Lockwood said her car was still and hers" Stefan began to look worried. all of us left for Alaric classroom, Stefan had texted Bonnie and Damon telling them and right now we were stood over a map of Virginia.

"seen as Jeremy's the closest blood relative, I'll need a some blood for it to work " Jeremy nodded and held out his hand she cut and he led a few drop go down near to the name of mystic falls. Bonnie began chanting. i handed Jer a towel for his hand and we watch the blood move to Reidsville.

"that's 300 miles away." Jer said

"no Bonnie we need something more specific."

"that's as close as i can get. I'm sorry"

"we can map it Ariel view the surrounding area show us what's there." god i loved him he was so smart. Stefan headed toward the door

"good call me with whatever you find."

"no I'm coming with you." he protested

"Jer stay here."

"look go back to yours Beth you too"

"you can't go alone" he tried that was when Damon came in.

"he's not"

"you coming with me then?" Stefan asked

"its Elena" they left that was when my phone rang it was Caroline.

"hey Care what's up." i asked answering as Jeremy helped Bonnie pack.

"look i know your busy right now but Tyler just won't back off he literally kicked a trash can into a car."

"I'm sorry Care but i can't right now i have to keep a eye on Jer and Bonnie" Jer i was fine with Bonnie not so much.

"Beth" i turned to my boyfriend

"its okay you can go we'll be fine." i went to protest

"no just go. me and Bonnie have it." he insisted

"I'll meet you back at the house." i hung up

"so much for re connecting" i mumbled he hugged me.

"as soon as we have Elena back we'll go okay." i nodded and he kissed my check before i left. i arrived back home where Care was waiting we headed into the house and noticed something a feeling.

"hello?" i called

"mom?" Care questioned we walked further in until we sensed someone behind us. turning around we saw Tyler.

"what are you doing here?" Care asked

"i know" he replied

"breaking and entering the Sherriff's house that will win you an award" i said crossing my arms

"go ahead keep dodging, keep changing the subject. but i know, you're just like me aren't you" he circled us

"no" Care replied

"keep it up but I'm not buying it. i saw how strong you were but I'm not leaving here until one of you tells me the truth."

"Tyler." i warned

"you are both werewolves. say it" he demanded me and Caroline looked at each other before we started giggling

"what?" Care questioned, Tyler pushed her against the wall trapping her

"just say it" i pulled him off baring my teeth at him and threw him to the ground he scooted away as i changed back

"were not werewolves okay?" Caroline looked at him

"we're vampires" i added before going to grab some alcohol. and three glasses

"here have this it takes the edge off" i poured into the glasses and handed one too each of them

"I'm hot it's like my skin is on fire." i sat down taking a sip.

"really we had none of that i guess being a werewolves is different." Caroline smiled

"how can you be a vampire" he asked

"how can you be a werewolf" i countered deflecting

"who else is like you?" he questioned

"just us. it's a really long story so how may werewolves are there?" she lied

"just me there was my uncle Mason but he left town." He answered

"look Tyler... you can't tell anyone not about you, not about me. no one will understand." Caroline talked

"i know" he replied

"and do you know that unless it's a full moon you don't stand a chance against us so you blab or screw up that could endanger us..." i got up and face him

"I'll rip your heart out" i whispered he gulped and nodded

"i want to tell you everything but you need to promise that no one will find out about us" Caroline knocked me away

"i promise." with that i headed to be i looked at my messages and saw that i had one from Jeremy.

set off tomorrow gd nite -J

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