Chapter 12 - Secrets and Returns

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this takes place in Daddy issues

"look I'm going to take a walk in the woods for a bit okay?" i said to Caroline walking out the door she was right behind me and was locking it that was when we felt Tyler. we turned round

"Tyler hey" Caroline chirped she wanted to help him where as i wanted to run far and fast because he could kill me and i don't want to die again well not anytime soon.

"how's it going" she asked he just stared with a pissed off look.

"we need to talk" he addressed Caroline, okay i was getting this huge danger vibe from him my walk in the wood can wait.

"yeah we do. I've been thinking about it and i don't want to over analyze it, it was just one kiss and Matt is still kinda in the picture we can't go there Tyler" wait back up they kissed. eww vampire and werewolf kiss *shivers*

"fine" he replied with sort of a knowing look.

"great that's settled" she smiled and headed to her car

"what happened to my Uncle Mason" she stopped

"what?" i asked

"he's dead and i want one of you to tell me what happened" he stated

"we don't..." she trailed off

"then let me tell you. Stefan and his brother Damon killed him because Stefan and Damon are vampires just like you two brothers two sisters" my jaw dropped how the hell.

"how did you know that?" i asked

"is it true" he retorted look back at me

"let me explain" Caroline said carefully.

"did you know this whole time?" he asked

"please" but she was cut off

"did you know." he raised his voice she nodded. Tyler pushed her into the car and i ran dragging him back and launching him away before running to his side and holding him down by the throat.

"try that again little puppy and I'll rip your heart out" i seethe

"now when i let go your going to leave" i let go back an few step Tyler got up and left. i walked back to Caroline.

"just go Beth i need to think" she spoke before i could, i sighed walking into the woods i had a good hour before i needed to run so i enjoyed it while it lasted. which wasn't long before i felt someone behind me.

"hello Elijah" i turned round low and behold the Original stood a mere few feet away

"Bethany" he greeted

"to what do i owe the pleasure of your company" i question he comes closer.

"i would like to get to know you."


"because i want too"

"now Elijah i think you mean you want to compare me to my ancestors" i smirk.

"is that so bad?"

"what do you already know about me" i ask

"Bethany Vanessa Forbes born September 11th 1993 to Elizabeth and William Forbes you were in a car crash with you sister and two other males both of you were injured but you were the worst, saved by Damon Salvatore's blood and killed by Katarina. finally you're the girlfriend of Elena Gilberts brother Jeremy." he listed.

"that is very good so I'll make you a deal, forever time you gain my trust i will tell you something about me how does that sound" i asked

"very acceptable." he agreed

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