Chapter 19 - Back to the 60s

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after lunch we went to our next Lesson with Mr Saltzman.

"hello Ric, Miss me" he turned around and in his eyes i could tell there was something different.

"Bethany." he nodded and i sat down not the reaction i was hoping for but anyway i sat down and we began the lesson.

"Bethany would you stay back for a moment. please" the others gave me a confused look i just nodded for them to go. when the door shut i sat on a table and crossed my legs Ric looked back at me.

"Bethany Forbes what a pleasure to meet you. Katerina informed me there was another doppelganger in town." then i clicked and smirked.

"the famous Klaus. what a truly unexpected surprise." my phone began to ring it was Jeremy.

"mind if i take this i like to keep in the loop."

"by all means." i answer.

"so what do you have for me?" i asked.

"Bonnie has the power of 100 dead witches. she plans to use it against Klaus but if she uses all that power she'll die. yet she doesn't care know one else knows apart from me and Bonnie she wants to keep it away from Elena." he informed me i looked back at Klausiric and grinned.

"well thank you goodbye." i hung up

"good news i take it." he smirked.

"very much i have some information providing that you are willing to work with me" he laughed.

"i never seen you so cunning you were always sweet and nice."

"i was never turned to a vampire and betrayed before. i like to be different so what do you say Klaus. you're the big bad vampire I've been waiting for you to lighten things up there is only so much i can do." he stood up and came towards me.

"i would love to have a partner providing you don't cross me."

"do be wary that I'll tell you what you need to know when you need to know it. not before, it keeps things entertaining and one step ahead. is that okay." i questioned.

"very well." i moved away from him and wrote on a piece of paper.

"memorize it then burn it the last thing i need is one of the do gooders also one more thing. i know you need a vampire for the sacrifice as long as you don't use my sister we're good" i handed him the paper.

"you have my word your sister will not be harmed." i nodded

"catch ya later...Klaus." i left. me and the others did a quick shop around for the dance tonight. and i went back home to get changed.

"Jackie-o" mom told Caroline.

"isn't she just." i came out of my room smiling at them. both faces had utter shock.

"hey mom"


"Bethany. where have you been me and my deputies have been searching everywhere" she came closer.

"with friends...wallowing in self pity you obviously didn't look hard enough i was back at school today." i applied some lip-gloss

"you've had me worrying Bethany."

"jeez mom chill out I'm back...well sort of I've temporally moved to my friends." there was a knock on the door and it was Charlie.

"oh he's mine bye." i gave a quick hug to Caroline and opened the door.

"hello Miss Forbes may i say who gorgeous you look." he said in a posh voice holding out his arm

"why thank you." i took his arms and we joined the others and rode to school. when we arrived music was blaring across the gym i looked around and saw Klausiric dancing in between his students. we all danced until Dana did a special dedication from Klaus i saw the looks on their faces oh that was a good one. i made my way over to the hiding vampire.

"that was impressive i wish i had a camera." Klausiric turned around.

"glad i could amuse you love. but you won't be needed tonight." i shrugged

"i may not be needed but i certainly want to watch. Please oh pretty please." i did my famous puppy eyes until he gave in

"ugh you are so much like Sophia and Autumn" he mumbled i grinned and went back to dancing. Born to be wild came on and i was passed from Ryan to Charlie though out the song while the girls got drinks after a few more songs. before i received a text saying the show was about to begin. so i left as i watched the whole show i saw how scared Bonnie was and when they ran i joking Klaus in the dining hall where we waited.

"Bethany what are you doing here." Bonnie asked

"here to enjoy the show its surprising my history is connected to oh. yeah not supposed to be here." i shut up Bonnie began to fight. with her power bring Klaus down but not dead sparks flew everywhere i saw Elena and Stefan watching. when she dropped dead me and Klaus left.

"see you when you have your normal body back" with that i left.

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