E- Empty(Pikey)

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A knock sounds on the door early Saturday morning, and Pete stands at the door, looking severely nervous. He opens the door, letting out a gasp when he sees Mikey Way, tears streaming down his cheeks.

"M-Mikey!" He exclaims. "I- Ashlee is supposed to be here soon." He stutters. Mikey nods.

"I-I know, i-it's j-just that G-Gerard is with F-Frank and- I-" he chokes, sobbing. Pete quickly pulls the taller boy into a hug, whispering soothing words in the younger boy's ear. "I-I had no where else to g-go" Mikey sobs into his neck.

"Shh, Mikey. Sit on the couch, I'll get you some water, okay? Would you like anything else?" Pete asks, slowly guiding the still-sobbing boy to the couch. Mikey shakes his head and Pete gets him to lay down, covering him with a blanket before going into the kitchen to get water. When he returns, the boy is curled into a fetal position, still crying. Pete sighs and moves him to a sitting position, sitting down next to the young boy. He tries to pull of Mikey's jacket, but the boy jerks away. "Mikey?" Pete asks tentatively. "What's wrong?"

"I..." Mikey starts. "I-it's just so hard." He finally says, pulling up one of his sleeves to reveal long, deep scars from wrist to elbow, some bleeding. Pete gasps. He quickly pulls Mikey into a hug, not caring about the mess of the blood. He takes Mikey from the couch and walks him to the bathroom, planning to clean his bloody arms. A knock suddenly sounds at the door, halting Pete in his steps.

"Go to the bathroom and wait there. I'll be right there." He turns towards the door, and turns around, adding "and don't touch anything" as a second thought. Once Mikey reaches the bathroom, he listens to what he can hear of the conversation. "Hey, Ashlee, look... No, it's really serious. You see-... Seriously, I can't come, Mikey is-... No, why-... Whatever. I-" Mikey couldn't hear anything else, the voices getting softer and softer. He just stares at the scars on his arm, eyes tearing up at the sight. He couldn't believe he did that. Although, he doesn't feel a little better. Knowing that he's only emotionally empty, not physically empty. When Pete comes back later, he smiles sadly at Mikey before cleaning up his wounds without a word.

Hours later, when Mikey is cleaned and bandaged, they sit on the couch, watching mid morning cartoons. Mikey moves closer to Pete, cuddling into the older man's side. "Pete, what were you and Ashlee talking about?" He asks innocently. Pete laughs, but it's not his usual laugh.

"She yelled at me because I always put you first. She didn't understand how important you were... You are. I guess she didn't know she'd always be second to you when she signed up." Mikey laughed at the last part. He didn't always understand what Pete was talking about, but his simple jokes were Mikey's favorites. "I don't think you get it." Pete sits up, pulling Mikey so they are looking at each other in the eyes. He sighs before continuing. "You're my life, Mikey Way. You've saved me more than anyone else and your dorky glasses and obsession with comic books drives me crazy- in a good way. What I'm trying to say is- I guess- Mikey Way, don't go breaking my heart, now that you know you have it." Mikey smiles, blushing. He ducks down his head before looking at Pete through his eyelashes. Through a burst of courage, he leans in and kisses Pete lightly. They both smile, both of their eyes having a little more sparkle in them. Later, when they had returned back to their cuddling on the couch and Pete had fallen asleep, Mikey leans into Pete's neck, smiling.

"You make me feel less empty." He whispers into the older man's neck.


Short but sweet. I hope you enjoyed, comment what you think!

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