D- Driving(Rian DawsonxMike Fuentes)

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Rian could hear his friends talking loudly before he heard them knock. "Dawson!" He heard Jack shout. "Let us in, we won't kill you!" He heard someone stifle a giggle, which was probably Alex. He sighed and put down his controller, walking to the door. Fucking forcing me to the DMV today, he told himself. He opened the door and there stood his three(only) friends; JackandAlex, and Zack. Jack and Alex never go anywhere without each other, those bastards always attached at the hip. They say that there isn't anything gay is going on, but Rian knows better than to believe them. He doesn't have a problem with Jack and Alex liking each other, since he a flaming homosexual himself, but in secret. Zack could never be close to gay, he's fucked way too many girls and talk about boobs and asses way too much.

"Do I have to go?" Rian whined, but let them in anyways. He knew there was no point in arguing.

"Yes," Jack declared. "Now go get your ass in some suitable clothes and let's go." Rian grumbled under his breath all the way to his room, stomping as loud as possible. He probably sounded like a little kid, but he didn't care.


Ten minutes later and they were outside the DMV, and Rian was more nervous than he would like to admit. He swallows thickly, following Jack and Alex into the building, Zack following to make sure Rian didn't run. Jack, Alex, and Zack sat down while he slowly shuffled to the front desk, looking at his feet.

"Hey, are you gonna look up?" he hears a voice say. Rian looks up and sees a tattooed man- maybe not even twenty yet- looking at him, amused. Rian blushes.

"Um, yeah. I- um. I'm being forced to get a license." He stutter. Mike smiles.

"Oh, nice. My brother forced me to get a job here. I'm Mike." He says.

"Rian." He says with smile. Mike nods and hands him a form.

"Here, fill this out and bring it up when you're done. Maybe we can hang out after my shift is done." Rian nods and smiles brightly, taking the form from Mike's hand. Their fingers brush and Rian quickly walks away, trying to hide his blush. Unfortunately, his friends do see, and tease him the rest of the time that they're in the DMV.


It's later that day and Jack, Alex, and Zack have left, leaving Rian to wait for Mike's shift to end. Mike soon walks out and smiles when he sees Rian sitting on the curb, his focus sucked into the glow of his phone. "Rian?" He asks, sitting down next to him. Rian pulls out his headphones and looks up, flushing slightly when he sees Mike.

"Hey, Mike." He says, pulling out his headphones from his phone. Music starts pouring from the device and Rian jumps, quickly pausing it. "Sorry, it normally pauses when I pull my headphones from the audio jack."

"It's fine, it happens. Anyways, you wanna go somewhere? There's this smoothie place down the street." Rian agrees and follows Mike through the parking lot and to a black Pontiac in the corner, by the street.

"Nice car." Rian comments as Mike opens the passenger door for him. Rian thanks him and gets into the car, trying to hide his smile.

They talk about nothing in everything for about five minutes. Rian learns that they both drum about halfway to the smoothie place, and they talk about drumming the rest of the time. When they do get to the smoothie place, Mike quickly gets out of the car and jogs to Rian's side, opening the door for him. Rian flushes again but thanks him, and his face gets even more red when Mike takes his hand as they walk inside. The guy at the counter smiles at Mike, and then this eyes travel down to their intertwined hands. His smile brightens, and it looks like his face is going to split any minute.

"Hi, Mike! Who's this?" He says, nodding towards Rian.

"This is Rian. Rian, this is Brendon." Mike says. "Is Vic here?" Brendon nods.

"He's in the back with Jaime. Would you like to risk going back there?" Brendon shivers.

"Yeah, I guess. They have to stop sucking face sooner or later. Rian, order something, and choose any table you want. I'll pay. And I'll be right back." Mike walks around the counter and disappears behind a door marked EMPLOYEES ONLY. Rian pulls his eyes away from the door to Brendon. His dark brown hair is flat on his head, and his big, brown eyes are staring brightly at him.

"I swear, every guy I meet is gay." Brendon says, shaking his head with a fond smile on his face. "Everyone except my crush of course, because that's just how my life works." Rian smiles and tries not to laugh. "Ah, don't worry, you're allowed to laugh. Jon laughed his ass off when I told him. Anyways, what do you want? Mike's pretty nice to pay, he never does on a first date, he usually goes half and half. Then again, you're really hot. If Mike hadn't seen you first I would so be on you." He babbles on and Rian lets him, smiling. Mike comes out later, a shorter man with long hair in tow. Rian finally orders a smoothie; with Brendon's influence. He ends up getting something- he's not really sure, all he knows is that it's full of sugar. He gets introduced to Mike's (surprisingly) older brother, Vic, and Vic's boyfriend, Jaime, when he enters from behind the counter, his hair two toned and spiked everywhere.

They spend about two hours at the smoothie place, long after they closed. They all joke around together; all being Rian, Mike, Vic, Jaime, and Brendon. Brendon was the first to leave, saying that his roommate would come hunting after him soon if he didn't leave. He told Vic to lock up when they were done, and left with one more goodbye, giving everyone a tight hug in the process. Rian and Mike gets forced out soon after, since Jaime and Vic need to "lock up", as Mike had put it, quotation marks included. When they got back to Rian's building, they sit in silence for a few moments. Mike sighs, turning to Rian. "So, um..." He says, pauses. "Do you have anything going on next weekend?" He asks shyly. Rian smiles.

"No, maybe we can do something?" Mike smiles and they agree on doing something for lunch. Rian walks into his apartment with a smile on his face, but it drops when he sees his three friends smiling brightly at him from the floor and couch.

"So, how'd it go?"


Wheeeeee I'm finally done with D! I've had this idea for months now and I just finished it. I feel like I'm neglecting every single one of my books, so I'm trying to update them all soon. I hope you enjoyed, comment what you think!

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