I- Internet(Ryden)

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I really should sleep, Brendon types, hitting enter.

Yeah, me too. The reply comes. But I really don't want to stop talking to you. Brendon blushes. He never thought someone across the country could make him feel so happy.

Me neither, but we both gotta sleep at some point, you know. He presses enter, waiting for the reply. Brendon isn't at all ashamed to admit he fell in love someone through the internet, as everyone who knows him has realized. They've told him it was a bad idea, that Ryan would just be an internet creep. Oh, how they were wrong. Ryan is funny and charming and nice and-as figured out through skype- fucking hot. Brendon totally wants to flaunt Ryan in everyone's faces. Too bad Ryan lives in LA. Ryan has amazingly tan skin, though, so Brendon should probably thank the LA sun for that.

Yeah, yeah. Sleep is for the weak, fuck school, etc. he gets back, interrupting his train of thought. He smiles, giggling.

Skype for a few minutes? He types, smiling softly. The reply comes immediately.



The next day, Brendon sits in study hall, staring into space. "Dude." Jon says, sliding next to his friend. "You have bags under your eyes. Are you not sleeping?" He asks, concerned. Brendon smiles.

"No, it's just Ryan-" Jon groans at the mention of him, but Brendon just glares, "Ryan and I seem to be unable to stop talking to each other." Jon rolls his eyes, but he smiles. He's never seen brendon so happy. Brendon looks down as his phone vibrates, a message showing up on the screen


Spencer says I have bags under my eyes?¿

Brendon smiles, quickly unlocking his phone and texting back, I feel like Jon and Spencer would get along. Stop texting in class, fucktard.


Love you. Brendon tries not to swoon.

Love you too<3


"Brendon, what's the hurry?" Jon says, annoyed and Brendon drags him through the airport. Brendon scoffs, but doesn't slow.

"Jon!" Brendon exclaims, as if he can't believe Jon asked him that. "Ryan! Spencer! Here!" He says as they turn around the corner to see the luggage belt. They come to an abrupt stop and Jon bends over, breathing heavily. He doesn't notice Brendon's squeal or the footsteps coming their way until he sees a pair of bright shoes in front of him. He looks up to see Brendon tightly embracing a lanky boy, a smile on his face. He looks over to the owner of the sneakers and tries not to gasp. He smiles charmingly instead.

"Jon, Jon Walker." He says, holding out a hand. The boy looks at him, amused.

"Spencer, Spencer Smith. I have been told we would get along." He says, shaking Jon's hand.

"I have no doubt that we will."


Hello, everyone. Long time so see? I saw the start of this one day while I was looking through my unfinished stories and I was like yes. Also Joncer because I couldn't resist. Who doesn't love a little(or a lot) Joncer, though? So, I hope you guys enjoyed it? This is just a little update to make sure you know I'm not dead. I'll try to update other stories soon.

I hope you enjoyed, comment what you think!

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