F- Festival(Cashby)

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"Alan, come on! I wanna get there before the lines get too long!" Austin exclaims, pulling his boyfriend towards the masses of light, music, and people. Alan sighs, looking at the people who already stand in front of lines.

"I think it's too late for that, Austin." He mumbles. The taller man doesn't listen though, weaving through the crowd and pulling Alan with him. "Can we get food first?" Alan tries again, pull Austin back. Austin sighs, agreeing and turning towards the rows of grease filled and deep-fried food. They stop at on further down the row that seems to have less of a line than the rest. They both order a cheese pizza and, after a small argument over who pays, they sit down on the curb. They don't see the girl in an Of Mice & Men shirt until it's too late. When they hear the squeal and heavy footsteps coming their way, they quickly separate. They look up to see a girl around the age of sixteen, smiling brightly with her hands clasped together.

"Alan! Austin!" She exclaims. "Can I get a picture with each of you?" After she had gotten what she wanted and left, they finished their pizza before Austin promptly pulled Alan to the highest ride he could find. It's fair to say that Alan vomited right after the ride. Austin gave him extra credit for holding it in until after. Although, Austin also said that it wouldn't been better if he vomited on someone from the top. They joked around for a bit longer, wandering around the park, trying to find something good to ride and/or play. They stumble upon one of many ball throws, and Austin pulls Alan behind a teenager currently playing.

"Really, Austin? Can this date get anymore cliché?" Alan huffs. Austin rolls his eyes.

"Yes, now shut up and let me win you something. What do you want?" Austin asks when the teenager walks away with a stuffed lion. Alan searchers the shelve of stuffed animals before scoffing.

"Do you really need to ask?" He says, pointing to an orange cat in the corner with green eyes. Austin smiles, paying for three balls. He backs up a bit, and Alan moves out of his shooting range. Austin actually hits the middle of the tower on the first try, making all of the bottles topple to the ground. Austin smirks at Alan, who just rolls his eyes. The man working the booth hands Austin the cat, and Austin returns the rest of the baseballs. They leave the booth as Austin hands Alan the stuffed cat. Alan rolls his eyes fondly. "I could totally do that, too." He says. Austin scoffs.

"Just like you said you could jump my dad's truck with a bike back in middle school? Sure, Alan. Sure." Austin says, trying to hold back his laughter at the memory of Alan riding up a ramp on his bike and promptly slamming face first into the bed of the truck. Austin had had the manners to not laugh until he made sure Alan was okay.

"Whatever." Alan says, pouting. "Where's another ball throw?" He looks around, smiling when he sees another one with a stuffed og on the wall that look suspiciously like Austin's live one. He pulls his date over to the booth, giving a man a few bills and taking three baseballs.

After three tries and hitting the vendor in the head twice, Alan pouted. "It's not fair!" He huffs. "This one was rigged, I swear. Austin laughs, nudging him lightly.

"Sure, keep telling yourself that." Austin says, grabbing Alan's hand and pulling Alan away from the booth when he doesn't move. "Come on, you can make it up to me by going on the ferris wheel." Austin keeps hold on Alan's hand, even after Alan willingly moves his feet. They wait in line for barely five minutes before they're alone in the passenger car. They slowly make their way to the top, the air silent as they sit, Alan leaning on Austin even though the worker advised them to balance the car and sit on oppisite sides. The car was leaning a bit, but neither of them seem very bothered. They sit at the very top for a while, Alan trying to very subtley hide his face in Austin's chest. Austin laughs softly, putting his finger under Alan's chin and slowly bringing his gaze up.

Later, Alan would tease Austin mercilessly about how cliché the man was while Austin would blush and playfully push him, but now, Alan enjoyed kissing Austin blissfully at the top of the ferris wheel. They didn't stop kissing softly until they stopped at the bottom.


So, this one really didn't have any point. Just soft mushy stuff, geting you ready for the possible tears that are in the G story. Comment what you think, I hope you enjoyed!

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