K- Killjoys(Frerard)

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"Bad news from the zones, tumbleweeds. It looks like Jet-Star and the Kobra Kid had a clap with an Exterminator that went all Costa Rica, and uh, got themselves ghosted. Dusted out on Route Guano. So it's time to hit the red line and up-thrust the volume out there. Keep your boots tight, keep your gun close, and die with your mask on if you've got to. Here, is the traffic..." Party Poison turned of the radio as quick as he could. No. This could not be happening. His brother is gone. Did Jet Star die trying to protect him? He knew that he was very protective over Kobra, but he didn't know how protective.

"Party Poison, What happened?" Fun Ghoul asked, walking into the room.

"They're gone..." He whispered. "Kobra Kid and Jet Star, they're gone. They..." He collapses into the shorter man's arms, sobbing loudly. This was the first time since Better Living took over that he had shown any emotion. His brother was gone, and so was a close friend. They had survived in the zones for two years. Things were going well. They had found an abandoned gas station with enough supplies to last them a while, and they were far enough from Battery City that they would not be captured. Things were going well, and Party Poison had thought that everything  would turn out well.\

They would build up a following, rebel. Form a revolution. Take back the free world. But without Kobra Kid and Jet Star, none of that would happen. They're gone forever, and Party Poison can't handle that. He sobbed harder into Fun Ghoul's arms, hoping the ground will swallow him whole.

"Shhh, Gerard. It's okay." Fun Ghoul whispered, stroking his hair. Party Poison stilled. Fun Ghoul had never called him that. He made the mistake of voicing his name, when this all started. He met Fun Ghoul after the fifth alarm sounded, signaling the takeover. He saw Fun Ghoul on the street, dashing like mad in and out of stores, stockpiling. Party Poison had ran up to him, asking what the hell was happening. Fun Ghoul helped him, telling him what to do. Party Poison introduced himself as Gerard, and the other man quickly covered his mouth, saying that any traces of him had to be erased so that he could not be tracked.  Fun Ghoul introduced himself, and helped Gerard and his brother come up with names. Jet Star was recruited and then they set off for California, deciding that Belleville just wasn't safe anymore.

"What was your name?" Gerard sniffled looking at the man holding him, "Before all of this. What was your family like?" Fun Ghoul sighed.

"My name is Frank. Frank Iero. I lived  in Belleville with my mother. My father left when I was young. I really liked the Misfits. I was a punk ass catholic school boy and got in trouble twice a day. I was an only child and my mother and I had a complex relationship. We loved each other, but were constantly at each other's throat. I could play guitar, and I was in a band called Pencey Prep. They didn't believe the takeover would happen. So I was forced to abandon them. Then you came along. You and your brother were great additions, and still are. So is Jet Star. They're smart kids. I'm sure they're still alive, somewhere. I have faith in them. Maybe you should too." Fun Ghoul looks down to see Gerard half asleep in his arms. He smiles and starts to hum an old song of his, slowly lulling the other man to sleep. He smiles to himself, kissing Gerard's forehead. "Goodnight, Gerard." He moves them slowly into a more comfortable position, preparing himself for the first day in the zones without Kobra Kid and Jet Star.


IT'S ALL BECAUSE OF DONALD TRUMP. I SWEAR. I pulled this together really quick for my birthday present from me to you. I hope it doesn't suck too much. I've been gone forever, I suck so hard. I hope you enjoyed this, comment what you think!

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 18, 2016 ⏰

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