Chapter 1

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Ok I'm gonna clear something up here. I'm going to use the movie and a little bit from the book for this story. Also the bold is you talking.
(Y/N)'s POV
I was helping out in the infirmary. There was another monster attack. They've been coming more frequent. I send an Iris Message to Annabeth to get Percy from his school and get to camp ASAP. But that was a week ago. Now the infirmary is filled with injured campers. I just finished healing my last patient by using my new powers but it takes a lot of my energy. I plopped down by a stool when my brother,Will came in.

"Hey (Y/N). How's it going?"

"I'm worried Will. Annabeth and Percy are still not here. And we really need the help to protect camp. And-"

Will placed his hand over my mouth,making me stop talking. I narrowed my eyes on him. Will removed his hand.

"First of all, you have to stop worrying. They'll be here. Annabeth is probably at Percy's school right now.

I sighed and ran my fingers through my (H/C) hair.

"I really hope so."

We went back to work but in the back of my mind I couldn't help to keep worrying.

~Meanwhile in Meriwether College Prep~

Percy's POV
I sat down next to Tyson and opened my binder for biology and on the first page was a picture of my girlfriend,(Y/N),from Camp Half-Blood. She was singing at a bonfire. She looked so happy, singing in front of the other campers,since she was a daughter of Apollo. Her brother,Will,send me the picture after spring break. I missed her like crazy. My mom offered her and Will to enrolled them in my school but they declined the offer,fearing to attract too many monsters. Me and (Y/N) still kept contact by Iris Messaging but it's been a good week since I last talked to her. I really wish she could just I.M. me right now. (Y/N) would know what to make of my dream of Grover hiding from a mysterious thing in a wedding shop.

"Percy Jackson!" The teacher yelled.

I snapped out of my thoughts and looked at the teacher who looked very annoyed.

"Yes?" I questioned.

"Do you know the equation for photosynthesis and cellular respiration?"

"Do you know the equation for photosynthesis and cellular respiration?"

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"Uhh no I don't."

"Well you should start paying attention before you get lunch detention." The teacher said while still glaring at me.

"Yes ma'am" I said.

The teacher went on talking and then gave us a worksheet but I just looked at the photo again. Until Matt Sloan reached over and ripped the photo out of the rings.

"Hey!" I protested.

Sloan checked out the picture and his eyes widened.

"No way,Jackson. Who is that? There is no way she's your girlfriend."

"Actually she is Matt."

Sloan laughed again. I grabbed the photo out of his hands.

"I doubt that chick from the photo is your girlfriend. And if she was then why doesn't she go to this school?" Sloan asked.

"She goes to another school. We met during..summer camp." I said quickly.

"Your such a loser, Jackson. I don't know how that chick is your girl especially when you hang out with your retard friend." Sloan sneered.

"He's not retarted." I said gritting between my teeth.

"Naw he's just stupid just like you." Sloan said as he went back to his seat.

My blood boiled. I wanted to pulverize him so bad but I was under strict orders from Chiron-never take my anger out on regular mortals,no matter how obnoxious they were. That I had to save my fighting for monsters. Still,part of me thought,if Sloan only knew who I really was... The bell rang.

As Tyson and I were leaving,a girl's voice whispered, "Percy!"

I looked around but nobody was paying attention to me. As if any girl at Meriwether would ever be caught dead calling my name. I shook my head and quickly went to my next class. PE. Our lazy coach promised us a free-for-all dodgeball game, and Matt Sloan promised to kill me earlier. Can't wait.

Percy Jackson x Reader-Sea of Monsters Where stories live. Discover now