Chapter 4

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(Y/N)'s POV
We all walked to the Big House and as soon as we saw Chiron, Tyson cried:


Chiron turned around, looking offended.

"I beg your pardon?"

Annabeth ran up and hugged him. Chiron has been like a second father to us ever since we came to Camp.

"Chiron what's happening? You're not...leaving?" Annabeth asked with a shaky voice.

"Annabeth, Percy what are two doing here?" Chiron asked.

"I called them here." I admitted.

"Chiron is it true? Are you..." Percy asked.

"Fired yes. Someone had to take the blame. Lord Zeus was most upset. The tree he'd created from the spirit of his daughter, poisoned! Mr.D had to punish someone."

"Besides himself, you mean." Percy growled.

I placed my hand on his shoulder, making him calm down. I looked back at Chiron.

"But Chiron you couldn't have had anything to do with poisoning Thalia's tree!"

"Nevertheless but some in Olympus do not trust me now under the circumstances."

"What circumstances?" Percy asked.

Chiron's face darkened as he packed another book into his saddlebag. Tyson still looked at Chiron in amazement,like he wanted to pet him but was too afraid to.

"Pony?" He said.

"My dear young Cyclops! I am a centaur."

"Chiron, what about the tree? W-What happened?" Annabeth asked.

"The poison used on Thalia's pine is something from the Underworld,Annabeth. Some venom even I have never seen. It must have come from a monster quite deep in the pits of Tartarus."

"The Apollo cabin and the Athena cabin is trying to work on a cure but we haven't had any luck so far." I said sadly.

Percy hugged me which I gladly hugged back. He then looked at my eyes that was filled with concern. He placed his hand on my cheek.

"Hey you're trying your best. If anyone can find a cure it's you. And besides we know who's reponsible. It's Kro-"

"Do not invoke the titan lord's name, Percy. Especially not here, not now." Chiron cut Percy off.

"But last summer, Luke was working with someone. This has to be his idea. He wanted a civil war in Olympus and he's getting that traitor, Luke to do it." Percy said.

When Percy said Luke's name I became uncomfortable. Luke was my best friend. He's been with me and Annabeth ever since we came to Camp but now he betrayed us. Before he betrayed the Camp he gave me a locket that has a picture of me, him, Annabeth, and Thalia. I looked at Annabeth who also looked uncomfortable.

"Perhaps but I fear I am being held responsible." Chiron looked at Percy and rested his hand on his shoulder. "Percy you must promise me that you will stay here. Train hard. Learn to fight. But do not leave Camp."

"Why?" Percy asked. "I want to do something! I can't just let the borders fail! The whole camp will be-"

"Overrun by monsters. Yes I'm afraid so but you must not let yourself be baited." Chiron looked at me. "And you too (Y/N). You must stay here. Now that you're stronger, monsters will stop at nothing to get rid of you."

"B-But Chiron. We can help you."

Chiron shook his head. He closed his saddlebag.

"Annabeth, (Y/N) keep Percy safe. The prophecy remember it!"

"We will" We said in unsion.

"Um would this be another super-dangerous prophecy that has to do with me, but the gods have forbidden you to tell me about?" Percy asked.

Nobody answered him. He looked at me but I looked away.

"Right just checking." He mumbled.

"Chiron you said that the gods made you immortal only as long as you were needed to train heroes but now that you're leaving camp what will-"

"I don't know. Maybe my name will be cleared and I shall return." Chiron looked at Percy. "Percy I'll contact your mother no doubt she's worried sick about you."

And with that he clopped out of the Big House.

"Pony! Don't go!" Tyson called after him.

Tyson, Annabeth, and I started crying our eyes out. Percy engulfed me into a big hug, letting me cry on his shoulder. He kept telling me that things will be ok but I know that he didn't even believe his own words.

After a few minutes, we stopped crying

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After a few minutes, we stopped crying. Annabeth went off to join her siblings from the Athena cabin, leaving us alone in the Big House. Percy placed his hands on my cheeks, using his thumb to wipe away my tears.

"(Y/N) are you ok now?"

I just nodded not trusting my voice right now. Percy was about to say something else when Will barged into the room. He only had a few cuts on him but other than that he's fine.

"Oh thank the gods (Y/N) you're alright." I smiled. He looked at Percy. "Percy glad to see you alive." Percy nodded. "You too Will."

His eyes drifted towards Tyson, who was trying to pet my (H/C) hair but Will grabbed my hand before he did. Apparently Will knew who Tyson really was. Percy looked so confused at this sudden action.

"Um (Y/N) we need more help for the cure." Will said as his eyes were still on Tyson.

"Sure Will." I looked at Percy. "I'll see you at the bonfire Percy."

Percy nodded. Will and I went to our cabin.

"What the Hades is a Cyclops doing here!?" Will yelled as we entered. I sat down on my bed. "His name is Tyson. He's a friend of Percy." "But he's still one of his kind." "I know but...he saved my life from the bull. Maybe he's not all bad." I said as I fiddled with my locket. Will shook his head. "It doesn't matter. He's a Cyclops and his kind is the reason why Thalia was killed."

I sighed and grabbed a book from my desk counter so I could try to find a cure for Thalia. I wasn't the only one. My whole cabin with the Athena cabin are all trying to find a cure.

But then it was time for dinner.

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