Chapter 6

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(Y/N)'s POV
That night at the bonfire my cabin led the sing-along. We tried to get everybody's spirits up. I wasn't really in the mood for singing either. I looked at the bonfire. (It's enchanted remember just FYI) On good nights it's usually 20ft high and bright purple. But tonight the fire was only 5ft high and was the color of lint. Mr.D left early leaving us with Tantalus, much to my dismay.

As we finished the last song, I got off the stage and sat down on the other side of Percy since Tyson was there.

"You sang great (Y/N)."

"Thanks Percy."

"Well, that was lovely!" Tantalus said as he came foward and tried to grab a marshmallow from a stick, all casual-like but instead the marshmallow comitted suicide and dove into the flames. I bit my lip so I wouldn't laugh.

"Now then! Some annoucements about tomorrow's schedule." Tantalus said as he smiled coldly at us.

"Sir," Percy said.

Tantalus looked at him and raised an eyebrow.

"I see our related-to-a-monster boy has something to say."

Some of the Ares campers snickered. Percy stood up as well as me and Annabeth.

"We have an idea to save the camp." I said.

Silence but I could tell I'd gotten everybody's interest, because the campfire flared bright yellow.

"Indeed," Tantalus said blandly. "Does it involve with your boyfriend's monster broth-"

"The Golden Fleece. We know where it is." Percy said.

I saw the flames burn orange. Before Tantalus could stop Percy, he blurted out his dream about Grover and Polyphemus's island. Annabeth then reminded everybody what the Golden Fleece could do.

"In other words the Fleece can save the camp. I'm certain of it." I concluded.

Campers mumured, saying that we have a point and that we were right.

"Nonsense. We don't need saving." Tantalus said.

Everybody stared at him making him look uncomfortable.

"Besides the Sea of Monsters doesn't have an exact location. You wouldn't even know where to look." Tantalus added quickly.

"Yes I would." Percy said.

I leaned towards Percy.

"You would?" I whispered.

He nodded.

"30, 31, 75, 12." Percy said.

I was confused so was Annabeth.

'Why did he say those numbers?'

"Oookkk," Tantalus said. "Thank you for saying those useless numbers that mean nothing to me."

"They're sailing coordinates. Latitude and longitude." Percy said.

I was impressed at how he figured that out. I wasn't the only one, even Annabeth was impressed.

"Of course! 30 degrees, 31 minutes north, 75 degrees, 12 minutes west. He's right! The Gray Sisters gave us those coordinates. We need a quest!" Annabeth said.

"Now wait just a minute." Tantalus said.

"WE NEED A QUEST! WE NEED A QUEST! WE NEED A QUEST!" I started chanting. Percy and Annabeth joined in, hoping that the other campers would chant also.

Pretty soon every camper started chanting.

"We need a quest! We need a quest!"

The flames rose higher.

"It isn't necessary!" Tantalus insisted.


"Fine!" Tantalus shouted, "You dumb brats want a quest?"


"Fine" Tantalus finally agreed. "I shall choose a champion to undertake this perilous journey, to retrieve the Golden Fleece and bring it back to camp. Or die trying."

I can tell he was just trying to scare us but I didn't care. I looked at Percy and he looked at me. He took hold of my hand and squeezed it lightly.

"So I will allow....Clarisse to consult with the Oracle. She will choose two other campers to accompany her for the journey."

Tantalus annouced. He looked at us, daring for us to say anything else.

The Ares cabin started stomping and cheering, "CLARISSE! CLARISSE!"

Clarisse stood up. "I accept the quest!"

 "I accept the quest!"

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"Wait!" Percy shouted. "Grover is my friend. The dream came to me."

"Sit down!" yelled one of the Ares campers. "You had your chance last summer!"

"Yeah, you just want to be in the spotlight again!" another said.

Clarisse glared at Percy. "I said 'I accept the quest!' I, Clarisse, daughter of Ares, will save the camp!"

The Ares campers cheered even louder. Me and Annabeth protested. The Athena and Apollo cabin then joined in. Soon everybody were started taking sides-shouting and arguing and throwing marshmallows. That was until Tantalus put a stop to it. He made everybody sit down and told us a story about himself.

After he finished his story he made Clarisse go to the Oracle to get the prophecy

"And let me remind everyone-no one leaves this camp without my permission. And if anyone who tries will be expelled permanently! Now good night, dear campers. Sleep well."

With a wave of Tantalus's hand, the fire was extinguished, making the other campers go to their cabins but me, Percy, Annabeth, and Tyson stayed behind.

"We're still going, right?" Annabeth asked.

"We'll get expelled, you know." Percy said.

"So? If we fail, there won't be a camp to come back to."

"But you two promised Chiron-"

"We promised to keep you out of danger and we can only do that by coming with you." Annabeth said.

Percy sighed knowing he wasn't going to change our minds.

"I go too" Tyson said.

Me and Annabeth glanced at each other.

"No. We couldn't ask you to do that, Tyson. It's too dangerous." I said.

Tyson pouted.

"Yeah, you can stay behind and tell them-" Annabeth was cut off by Percy.

"If Tyson wants to go, he can go. We can't leave him, Tantalus will punish him for us being gone."

"Me want to go!" Tyson said as he clapped his hands.

"Fine. We'll meet up by the entrance in exactly 15 minutes. Pack whatever might be necessary." Annabeth instructed.

We nodded and left to go to our cabins, preparing ourselves for our secret quest.

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