Chapter 13

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(Y/N)'s POV
We were all at the front of the ship. In the distance, we saw an amusement park on an island.

"Polyphemus lives in an amusement park?" Percy asked.

"Yes, the goddess Circe thought building an amusement park on top of it was a good idea." Tyson said. "It really wasn't."

"What happened?"

"Opening day. Long lines of savory half-bloods and one hungry Cyclops. Very bad for business." Tyson explained.

Reardon looked at Clarisse.

"I'll just turn the ship around then." Reardon said.

"Find us a place to dock." Clarisse ordered as she walks off.

"I was afraid she was gonna say that." Reardon said as he followed Clarisse.


3rd POV
Percy, (Y/N), Annabeth, Tyson, and Clarisse walked past an old sign that said, 'Welcome to Circeland'. All the rides looked wrecked.

"I guess the Cyclops was bad for business." Clarisse said. "Who knew?"

The half-bloods walk through the deserted park.

"We don't have time to search this whole place." Annabeth said.

Percy stopped walking when something caught his eyes.

"I don't think we have to."

They notice a ride that a huge hole in the structure.

"The Plummet of Death? Well that's subtle." (Y/N) said.

"It looks like something really big went through there."

"I don't know. It doesn't really scream 'Cyclops' to me." Clarisse said sarcastically.

Right when the words came out of her mouth there was a loud roar.

"At least there's no line." Tyson said optimistically.

Clarisse walks towards the ride, the others followed her.

Inside they found an old roller coaster car.

"Sweet ride." Clarisse said as she looked at the car.

"Might need a push." Percy said.

They rolled the car down the track. They climbed into the car as it started moving on it's own.

"Here we go."

The car headed into a dark tunnel that had many strands of multicolor lights.

"Tyson let go of my hand." Clarisse demanded.

"Sorry." He apologized.

The car crosses a deep gorge that had water at the bottom, then crashes into a pile of rocks.

"Well that was a fun ride." (Y/N) said sarcastically.

The half-bloods hop off the car to find multiple satyr skulls. Some were on the ground or on a stick.

"I think I get what Grover was so worried about." Percy said.

Clarisse notices a huge boulder being held by a post. Beside it was an entrance of a cave.

"This must be the boulder Polyphemus used to trap Odysseus when he was returning from the Trojan War."

Clarisse turned around to see the others staring at her.

"Yeah, that's right. I know stuff. I guess Annabeth isn't the only one who knows all the answers."

They continued forward into a narrow passage which opens up to a vast cavern with a high waterfall. They pass a few skeletons that were aganist an amusement park attraction sign with blinking lights.

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