Chapter 16

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Percy's POV
I had to make some kind distration or else Luke's men will kill us.

"One on one," I said, challenging Luke. "You're not afraid of me, are you?"

Luke kept his glare at me. His soldiers were waiting for his orders to kill us.

Suddenly Agrius burst onto the deck, having a pure-black pegasus with wings like a giant raven. The male pegasus put up one hell of a fight. I understood his thoughts. He was cussing Agrius and Luke so bad Chiron would've washed his muzzle out with saddle soap.

"Boss! Your steed is ready!" Agrius called while barely dodging a pegasus hoof.

"I told you last summer, Percy." He said, referring to the fight last summer in New York. "You can't bait me into a fight."

"And you're the one who keeps avoiding one. What? Too scared to lose in front of everyone." I taunted him.

Luke glanced at his men. He was trapped and he knew it. If he back down now, he would look weak. If he fought me, he would lose valuable time chasing after Clarisse.

I glanced at (Y/N) who was still held back by the monster, Oreius.

"I'll kill you quickly." Luke said as he raised Backbiter.

He whistled to one of his men. They threw him a shield.

"Luke, at least give him a shield." Annabeth said.

"Sorry, Annabeth, you bring your own equipment to this party." Luke said.

Then he lunged at me, almost killing me on the first try. His sword went under my arm, slashing my shirt and my ribs.

In the corner of my eye, I saw (Y/N), trying to help me but she was still held back by Oreius. I turned my attention back to Luke.

Luke slashed his sword at me again. I jumped back and counterattacked with Riptide but Luke slammed it away with his shield.

"You're out of practice, Percy." Luke said as he came at me again.

I parried and swung Riptide at him. He easily avoided it.

Luke lunged again, I jumped backward into the swimming pool, giving me strength. I jumped out the pool and used my powers to create a funnel cloud and made it go to Luke's face, knocking him down. He spluttered and wiped the water from his face. He quickly got up and attacked. I tried to attack but was blocked by Luke's shield. He crouched down and jabbed his sword at my legs.

I collapsed. My thigh felt like it was on fire. The pain was so intense. I tried to stand but my leg wouldn't take the weight.

"Percy!" (Y/N) yelled.

Luke slowly walked up to me. The tip of his sword had my blood on it.

"One more thing." Luke said.

He motioned his men to get (Y/N). Two monsters roughly grabbed her. She struggled against their grip but they were too strong. Luke dropped his shield and grabbed (Y/N). She was about to struggle again but stopped when Luke pressed Backbiter on her neck.

"Say goodbye to your boyfriend, (Y/N)." He looked at Oreius, the monster who still holding Annabeth and Grover by their necks. "You can eat your dinner now, Oreius. Bon appetit."

"Yay! Dinner time." Oreius said as he lifted my friends and bared his teeth.

And that's when it happened.


A red-feathered arrow sprouted from Oreius's mouth. The monster crumpled to the floor.

"Brother!" Agrius wailed as he let go of the pegasus's reins.

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