Chapter 5

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(Y/N)'s POV
Will and I led the Apollo cabin to the dining pavilion since we were the head counselors. When we entered I saw our new activities director, Tantalus sitting at the head table with Mr.D.

The other cabins came, I looked up and saw Percy with Tyson. Once the campers saw Tyson they started whispering/staring.

"Who invited that?" Shawn, one of my half siblings, asked.

I saw Percy glared at Shawn.

"Well if it isn't Peter Johnson." Mr.D said as he sipped his Diet Coke.

"It's Percy Jackson...sir." Percy said.



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Mr.D looked at Tantalus.

"This is the one. Poseidon's kid."

Tantalus looked at Percy.

"Ah yes the little troublemaker."

I was confused at what he was talking about until Mr.D snapped his fingers and a newpaper popped out of nowhere. It was kinda hard for me to read because of my dyslexia but I think it said: 'Thirteen-Year-Old Lunatic Torches Gymnasium'.

"But know this Jackson if you create any trouble there will be severe punishment."

Tantalus said as he tried to drink his coke but failed because of his curse.

"But now to more important things," Mr.D says as he looked at Tyson, "Like where to put the beast."

Campers started whispering but then gasped. My eyes widened. Above Tyson's head was a glowing green trident-the same symbol that appeared above Percy when Poseidon claimed him as his son. Silence filled the air until Tantalus started laughing.

"Well I think we now know where to put the beast. By the gods, I can see the family resemblance!"

Everyone laughed except for me, Will, Annabeth, and a few other of Percy's friends. Percy looked so mad I thought he was going to attack Tantalus. Tyson didn't notice that everyone was laughing at him since he was too busy trying to swat away the glowing trident that was fading away.

I looked at Percy, who was looking at me. I gave him a small smile. At least he wasn't going to be alone anymore. He has a half brother now...A monster for a half brother.

Percy's POV
The next few days were torture. Tyson moved into the Poseidon cabin. He kept giggling saying, "Percy is my brother?".

I tried explaining it to him but it was no use. I couldn't help but feel embarrassed-no ashamed. And the comments from the other campers weren't really helping the situation.

Right now I was with (Y/N), practicing our sword fighting while Tyson was with Beckendorf from the Hephaestus cabin. We were worried sick for the camp but we didn't know know what to do about it.

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