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Nightmare pov~

Hi, nice to meet you my names Nightmare, I'm the daughter of the one and only Pitch Black, I admit That I'm not much like him, but I try to be, I mean he's my father I only want to make him proud

I have long raven black hair with a light spray of freckles covering my face, I had a thin scar on my left cheek, I had golden eye's with pale skin it had a greyish tint to it a lot like my father's I was wearing black skiny jeans with a black top with a leather jacket and I wasn't wearing shoe's I don't really like wearing shoe's, I always thought of them as prisons for your feet

It was really boring walking around the town with nothing to do, so I decided to mess with some of the kid's that caused my father's downfall

I shadow traveld to Jamie Bennets house, he was Jack Frost first believer and it can be a bit difficult to give him nightmare's, since Jack Frost was almost always there to protect him

I hid in the shadows a useful skill to scare people or if you want to hide from someone you don't like or people in general, I stayed hidden till I saw the golden sand forming above Jamie's head

I smirked at his smiling face wouldn't it be fun to turn it into fear? I touched the sand using my power to turn his his dream into a nightmare, it made me tired, but if my father approved it was worth it, he was to weak to cause any bad nightmares so he made me do it, it was a chore, but a fun one

I grinned as his face scrunched up in fear as he made a whimpering sound curling into a ball I jumped as I heard a sound coming from outside I looked out of the window to try and see what made the sound

I scowled glaring at Frost as he came into the room forcing me to hide in the shadows again

I glared at them as he woke the boy up, comforting him making me almost feel guilty as tears ran down the boys face hugging frost tightly looking terrified

I shook my head getting rid of the feeling, the first lesson my dad taught me was to never feel guilty, it was a weakness

I rolled my eye's as Jamie explained his dream it really wasn't that bad, I had far force before, kids can so easly get scared Frost continued to comfort the boy till he fell back asleep, Jack tucked him back into his bed with a small smile

"You can come out Pitch, I know you're there." He said my eye's widen in surprise, but I stayed were I was not daring to move how did he know I was here? Sure he thought I was my dad, but he still knew I was here

Not wanting him to find me or to get in trouble I did the logical thing and got the hell out of there I shadow traveled to the nearest alley

I heard rattling coming from the trash cans and spun in a circle trying to see what made the sound

I turned to them again after I didn't find anything, making an axe made of nightmare sand appear in my hand

I looked around in a state of panic, what was up with today? Was my dad trying to be funny? I was hoping that it wasn't any of the guardians, but they did do things like this make their victim jumpy before catching them

I heard a chuckel and quickly turned to where I heard it holding my axe higher

Just my luck I saw the Easter Bunny leaning againts a wall he looked at me amused "What do you want?" I asked backing away from him a bit scared and why shoudn't I? He's a lot stronger then me

"Boys." he said with a smirk, ignoring my question and confusing me, what did he mean by boys? I frowned and glanced around trying to find out what he meant, but I started to panic again when I was thrown into a big red sack I started to struggle trying to get away what would the guardians want from me?!

I heard something break as I was throw threw I'm guessing a portel to the north pole, please let me be wrong, why would the guardians want to kidnap me?!

I'm not that strong and I haven't caused a lot of trouble apart from a few nightmare's now and again I didn't even think they knew that I existed!

I started to open the sack as I landed on the other end of the portal and I wasn't at all suprised to see that I was right, but I wished that I wasn't I'm in Santa's work shop

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