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Nightmare Pov:

After he left I started to cry I had to betray them all even though they were happy when they though I changed my mind about being a guardian well apart from Bunny

I heard someone opening the door so I wiped my tears away and looked who it was I looked down as I saw it was Jack

"Oh, hi Jack what is it?" I asked trying to sound happy and forcing a smile, but he looked at me concerned I think he noticed I was sad and came sat next to me

"What's wrong? Was it some thing I did? Please tell me what's wrong." he asked he sounded concerned 

"It's N-nothing, really N-nothing at all can you please take me on that tour now?" I asked

Jack frost Pov:

I know something was wrong I'm not stupid why didn't she just tell me? I just sighed knowing she won't tell me if I asked

"Okey, but promise you won't change your mind again." I joked she smiled slightly that made me feel a bit better

"yeah I promise frostbite." she said  sounding happier but, why did I care if she was happy or not? It was probably because she was going to be a new gaurdian right? I stood up and went to open the door

"Come on or I'll start the tour with out you." I joked grinning she looked up and I notice her eyes where bloodshot has she been crying? Why? I groan and she walked to me with a small smile "Where to first?"

I didn't think about that I hummed thinking where we could go "How about... Norths office?" It came out more like a quistion, but she shrugged and  started walking down the hall she looked back

"You coming or what? Your supposed to be the guide." she said with a smirk I ran after her "Come on his office is this way." I said pointing twords the direction of his office she stops to let me catch up then followed me

"So after the tour I want to ask you someting and you beter not lie." I said she rolles her eyes trying to hide her curiosity

"Fine, but it can't be anything embarrassing or personal I probably won't even answer." She said I looked at her and grinned "Ok, don't worry it's not an embarrassing quistion." I said she looked relieved for a second

After that we continued the tour

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