9.norths plan

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We were all in the globe trying to think of a plan"ha,have plan"north shouted what gave every one a fright"what,what is your plan?"he looked at me a bit guiltly"well i cant tell you it will ruin plan"i glared at him then sigh "fine what can i do"jack looked at me then north"ya what can i and nightmare do"he smiled

"nightmare you say yes to pitch and jack all you do is make sure pitch doesnt take her and try to hear the plan well the rest of us...eh do something ells we will be right back"he shoutes well puching the outher in his ofice

"so what you want do well we wait?"i look at jack and shrug"dont no,you?"he grinnens well'' we could go have a snowball fight outside''i glare at him'' after last time you must be jocking''then i thought what my dad said that i act like his puppet so i know im not playing im not goiong to prove him right i sigh"no jack im not goiong to be in a snowfight again"

he shrugges then grinnens"lets go hear the 'the plan'"i dont think that would be to good norzh said he had hes reasons not letting us hear"no,north has hes reasons not letting us hear jack so deal with it"i say with a grin i started leaving when north and the rest came out"so when pitch is goiong to come?"he said smilling"in a hour"north looked a bit sad but nodded and said i should.go so long so i whent up and waited

It was almost time just a few more minutes i heard someone come in it was jack"how long"he wined and i laughed"get out almost promise exactly when he closed the door my dad shabow traveld in"sup dad guesing you want a answer?"he grinned"so what is it?"he asked a bit itarated"yes why not iets bezer like that and know gets hurt"

Jack frost:
i closed the door then i heard them talking she said yes shust like planned but what did she mean by 'then no one gets hurt'?"good choise nightmare now i want you to bring jack to his frozen lake then wait till i get there and look at me like that he wount get hurt"wait what she cares if get hurt i think with a smile maybe she likes me!my smile getting wider

"when and if he gets hurt i will break every bone in your body"she said angryly he lauges"fine but you are goieng to bring him tommorow at noon about 3 understood?"she sighes"yes see you then"the guardians has done nothing what are they planning?I hear her shout ''jack come in hear!''i opend the door and walk in"hear all that and why didnt north do anything?"she said angryly at me i shrug "dont knowaybe he is planning to it at the laje maybe he thought something like this will happen"she shrugges"ya probely lets go see"when we got doen north ask so how go and what is his plan "for her to bring me to my lake and if he i qaut"if you hurt him i will breaj every bone in your body"""she blushes a deep shade of red"you wernt supposed to hear that part"she skueks lookung down trying to hide her blush "i like that a lot beter than norths idea"bunny mutters"so what is your plan"he smiles"im not goiong to tell you that like i said last time"

The next day me and jack was getting ready to go to the lake"hope nothing goes wrong"i shrug"me to but we must be carefull if you know my dad you know he is smart"i look at the watch"time to go"

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