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Pitch pov:

I was at my lair thinking how to get Jack by my side

Hmm maybe I can use Nightmare...Yes I can kidnap her and I'm sure Jack will try to get her

But then again how am I going to get her? She is always around the guardians so is Jack I should just try to get them alone

A nightmare horse came running in it neiged saying that Jack and Nightmare will be alone to night at the lake...

''Perfect'' I say smirking "When tonight? Never mind call me when they are there" I said the nightmare looked anoud and niegde that their on their way there

"Nightmares get ready we are taking Jack back and my traiter of a daugter" I said then shadow traveld to the lake waiting for then to get here

It didn't take long then attacked we took them by suprise and won quit quikly

"Hello how is it going? What didnt expect me so soon?" I asked and look at the nightmares

"Take them to my lair now" I instructed and watched them leave then shadow travel to my lair the nightmares bought them infront of me I smirked down at them and grabed Jacks staf

"Give that back coward!" He shoutes at me then I snap it in two I see him gasping for air then use nightmare sand to mend it instandly making jack change back in Dark Jack

I smirk at his alarmed face with is slowely turning to fear "Jack stand up come here" I said he does what I say trying to resist but failes

I look at my daugter who had a blank expresion witch I notice is always when she is thinking or trying to hide her fear...but this time it was both but the fear was giving me a lot of power

"Take her to her room and make sure she stays there" I may seem hartless but I still do love my daugter I sigh and look at Jack

''Follow them'' I intructed he noddes and walkes of but you can see that he  is trying to risist "And Jack stop resting just give in it will make it easer for both of us" I sais he lookes at me with a face full of pain "N-no" he shutters

He will give in...it will only take a mater of time

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