10.jacks lake

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Nightmare pov:

When we got there me and Jack waited till my dad came but it took some time...and it felt a bit weird being alone at the lake

"So...whats so fun about the lake?" I asked he lookes up in suprise then standes up and hold his hand for me to take I raise my eyebrow suspiciously

"Come on it will be fun" He said I sighed then takes his hand and stand up "What are we going to do?" I asked

He grinnens "Ever been ice skating?" He asked I look at him with alarm "No and no I'm not doing it Jack" I said

He rolles his eyes then take my hand and stard draging me around the ice well I try to let him leave me alone

"Come on it's fun just stop pushing away from me" he said I glare at him but sighed after a few seconds "Fine" I mumbels and start copying his movement as he glides across the lake

At first I coudn't stay  standing verylong and kept falling but after a while I starded getting the hang of it

"Aww how fun sorry to disturb but I think we have some busnus to atend to" I heard and stopped dead in my tracks at the sound of my dads voice

Jack stopped to and and starded attacing him till my dad used nightmares to restane him "Thank you nightmare" he said grinning

That's when all hell broke lose the guardians attacked and my dad devended himself

The guardians were winning till black sand coverd Jack and me and we shadow traveld to his lair

I saw Jack was unconcios on the floor I'm not avected by shadow travel so my dad of cours had put me in a cage

How can he be this srupid? I can just shadow travel out I was avout to do so,but realised it was a huge mistake as I felt pain in my stomec

I cried out in pain then glared at my dad as I heard him laugh "What the hell was that?" I asked he looked at me with fake concern

"What the pain?" he asked still faking consern before grinning and looked at Jack "Just something to insure you won't cause any trouble" he said

I saw Jack starting to wake up "Ah our guest is awake hello Jack"

Jack frost pov:

''Ah our guest is awake hello Jack'' I hear Pitch say I groaned as a reply "Hmm time for you to sleep nightmare" I hear him say before hearing a scream

I turned to look where it came from and saw Nightmare unconcios in A cage

I feel weak and notice I didn't have my staf "Hello pitch how ya been since we bought you down?" I asked then felt him kick me in the stomic and cry out

"Ow that hurt pitch didn't you miss me?'' I asked weakly siting up and grinning he looked at me and laughed

"Missed you? What Jack trying to be brave?" He asked I glare at him and sigh "Where is my staf?" I asked that just made him laugh more but then he left

And came back with with my staf but...it looked diffrent it had black sand in the middel insted of ice

"You like it? I thought it looks much beter this way don't you think?" He asked then threw it at me and I catch it witch was a big mistake

It felt like my blood was boiling and I screamed I noticed my hooby started changing black and my skin changed looking almost like Pitches

Pitch black:

I stared down at Jack screaming in pain on the floor his hair and clothes turting black and his eyes turning the same shade of gold as mine

I smiled slighly as he slumbed down breathing hard "What did you do to me pitch?!" He shouted making me grin

"I didn't do anything Jack you did this to yourself by touching the staf I'm sure not even you are that stupid" I said, picked him up and threw him in the cage with Nightmare

I hope she likes the new jack... I did get the idea from her I saw her waking up "Hell now that hurt" I hear her mutter and look up at Jack

I see her getting angry and turn to me with a murderus look in her her eyes the one thing I liked about her she liked getting revenge just like me...but now she wanted revenge on me so...

"You like the new jack? I actauly got the idea from you really" I said and saw Jack trying not to let her see him by staying behind her

"Jack stop that" she snapped at him turning to him trying to see him she rolles her eyes annoid and I left

Jack frost:

"No! I dont want you to see me please!" I shout at her I hear her sigh she was clearly annoid "I already saw you'' she said annois ''It's not that bad" she added softly

"It is I a-almost l-look like your dad" I shutter and laugh nervesly "So what! Can't you just sit still?" She asked annoid

I give in and go infront of her she looked at me with a blank face "You look" she started, but I laughed cutting her off

"Diffrent that's it but for now lets worry about getting out of the cage"

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