11.dark jack

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Jack frost pov:

We just got out and was on our way to the North pole,but something was wrong with Nightmare she kept glansing at me as if worried that I will attack her any minute

"What? Why do you keep looking at me like that?" I asked she bites her lip lookimg nerveos ''I'll tell you at the pole'' she said I shrug then use to the wind to get there faster

"Jack what the hell put me down" She said when I picked her up I grin at her "No it's faster like this" I said she glares and I hurry up scared that she will hit me not that I will ever admit it

I jast landed when I realised I still look like a dark version of me "So" she swallows looking nerveos

"I have reason to belief Pitchmy dad turned you into his puppet but don't worry it will only work when he gives you an order so at the moment were safe"she said and smiles akwordly

"What?!" I shouted she flinshes "It will be fine I'll umm just go...tell the guardians" she said I looked at her alarmed "No I don't want them to know" I said

she started walking "Where are you going?" I asked she glares "Shh I think I heard something wait here"

Pitch pov:

I went to the pole to gloat about the new and improved Jack I shadow traveld on the globe and all the guardians stood in fighting position

"I can tell you don't want me here to much such a shame I only bought news about Jack and Nightmare" I said they were afraid,but tried hidimg it ha I could feel it theres no point in hiding it

"What did you do to them pitch?!" The easter bunny shouted "Well I improved Jack and Nightmare well she is planning reveng on me probely you never know with her" I said

The doors swung open "Aww thanks dad'' Nightmare said with a amile before glaring coldly ''What ells? How about that you didn't 'improve' Jack you just turned him into a puppet" She groweld

I smileSlightly ''Yes I'm guasing his here" I said she grinned "Of cours not I'm not that stupid but I'm here so..." she threw nightmares at me and I had just enouth time to dodge it

Jack frost pov:

I jumped as I heard a crash and started going in the derection I heard it 

It leadme to the Globe and I heard the fight and I couldn't help it I ran into the Globe room seeing Nightmare and Pitch fight she saw me "Jack I told you to stay put!" She shouted

I see Pitch grin"Jack attack Nightmare" he said I laugh "Why would I do that?" I asked then I started attaking Nightmare having no contole over my actions

"You wher saying?" Pitch said looking smug and was clearly amused "Jack come here" he said I had no choise

I used the wind to get to him then I look at Nightmare she had tears in her eyes but stil gave her dad a murderous look

"What am I going to do now?" I asked and the Easter bunny threw a boomerang at me

"Your going to let Jack go thats what" he groweld

I look at Pitch and I felt weierd... almost like I want to do what ever Pitch sayes and... call him master with made me want to barth

Yet,I felt like I should "Jack come hear he's not the boss of you" I heard Nightmare say and I started going to her

"No what are you doing? Come back here'' Pitch said I turn back what is happening?!

"North take the others and leave I'm finishing this alone" North startets to protest then bunny took him and every one ells frew one of his tunnels

"Dark Jack I like that...'' I heard Pitch mumbel  ''Dark Jack bring her here" he said "Yes master" I heard myself say and I almost barthed but still did what he told me to do not like I had much of a choise s

She strugeld but failed to escape ''What am I going to do with you Nightmare?" He asked her then looked at me

''What do you think Dark Jack? Make her a puppet or simple despose of her to keep her of messing in my bussnis again? Hard dession''

I hear my self say ''Puppet she could be usefull but it is your choise" I see her smile as I walk closer

She grabed my staf and absord the nightmare sand from my staf I started breaving hard and notice my hooby turning from  back to blue

"No no no!" I hear Pitch shout  and see nightmare faint I catch her just in time and lower her to the ground I stare at Pitch

"I'm not your puppet anymore lets see how well you do againts me in a fight when I'm mad at you" I groweld

He looked furius,but instead of attacking me he shadow traveld away

I called the guardians back and told them what happend
North took her to a room where a yeti was making sure she would be okey and alert us if anything happen

That was about one mounth ago and in that time we have done notihing,but wait "What know?" Tooth asked to break the intence silence

"We go find Pitch and take him down for good" Bunny said "Not now bunny Jack go to your room or if you want go chek on her" North said

I ziped out there quiker then a rocket and went strait to her room I stared at her what did that shadow sand exectly do to her?

I go sit on a chair next to her and ask the yeti to leave when he closed the door I let my self cry I was the reason this happend she is in a coma and iets all my fault

I stop crying after a while my sadness turning into rage

I'm going to find Pitch and break every bone in his body throw him in his lair and trap him in it for as long as I can

I trace my finger across her scare and wonder for the millionth time how she got it until I saw her wince and feel her grabing my arm

"Ow that hurts you know'' she mumbeld weakly and I smilled and grab her and hug then I did something very stupid I kissed her

I break away and started to blush I see her blush to "Nightmare I love you" I say before I can stop my self she grinned "About time you admited it"

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