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Tooth pov:

I was paniking flying around the Work shop we lost have Jack again and Nightmare to I look up at the ather guardians

They all had a sad look in their eyes and they looked at the floor

I stares at them and jumped slightly when Bunny jumped up "We should stop moping around and go get Jack and Nightmare back" He said looking angry North looked at him then nodded

"I agree but how can we get them back?" North asked I look at bunny hopping he has a plan "Bunny please say you have a plan" I pleaed he grinned

"Of cours we use the old fashin way" He said North smilled "It involves putting them in sak yes?" He asked Bunny nodded and Sandy gives a thumbes up they turn to me "I hope this works" I say smilling

Jack frost pov:

Me and Nightmare stil fighted about who left the most damege till I finialy gave in "Fine you win you did the most damage" I said raising my hands in surrender

She grinned and punches her fist into the air "Yes victory is mine" She said with a smile "Now what?"I asked bored she shruges "Don't know" she replied
We heard a noise and shrug going to where we heard it we saw the guardians shouting at Bunny for making the noise

He raises his armes in surrender and walked on "Where are they?" Bunny asked "Don't know now keep quit" North hissed

We grin then walk out the shadows so they can see us "Looking for us" I said smirking they jumped then turn around with there weapans in hand Nightmare walkes forward then makes a Nightmare horse and send it somewhere

Pitch black:

I see a Nightmare run in then tell me that the guardians are here I stand up and asked where it gave me the location and I shodow traveld there

I of course stayed in the shadows and watched them figh Nightmare was doing a great job... and Jack to

I liked the fact that it didn't look like he was risesting anymore thats good

I grin then walk out "Guardians what are you doiong here? Trying to get Jack back or Nightmare?" I asked

They glare at me then North yelled "Both" He groweld at that I saw Bunny putting them in a sak ''Got them time to leave" He tapped his foot and sent all of then frew a tunnel

I shadow travel to the globe room pacing and thinking how to get them back hmm...got it I'm going to have to send alot of nightmares to distrac them then get them I shrug thinking iet's the  best I could think of right now so it will have to do

I tell the nightmares what to do then shodow travel to the pole and wait for them to get back

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