8.truth or dare

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Jack frost pov:

I thought if we played truth or dare nightmare might tell me more of what happend between her and het dad, but she didn't look to happy with my choice so I grinned "What scared?" I asked

She looked furius "No! Of course I'm not but, it won't be as fun just the two of us who ells is going to play?" She asked crossing her arms over her chest with a raised eyebrow

Okey this is harder than I thought "Why won't it be fine just the two of us? But fine I'll go get tooth or maybe bunny" I said and started walking twords the door her eyes widend

"No that's okey I guass your right it wil be fine just the two of us" she said quickly

I grinnind I knew it would make her aggree so it will only be the two of us and make it easer to get my answeres "Are you sure?" I asked

She nodded "Yes it's fine it can only be the two of us just please don't get Tooth she will make the game boring probelly daring us to brush our teeth" she said with a smile and I went back and sat on the bed next to her "So who is going first?" She asked

I wanted to "Me, so truth or dare?'' I asked she thought about is than answerd "Dare" with a shrug

"Okey I dare you to scare a yeti" I said she frowned before shrugging again and went to where the yetis made toys

As a yeti was about to step past us she screamed making the yeti jump and turn to us "Ahh there is a snake at your feet!" She shouted

The yeti jumped about ten feet in the air and ran the other direction screaming she burst out laughing

"Now that was fun" she said as she stopped laughing "How did you know he was scared of snaks?" I asked curiosly

"It is a power I got from my dad I know what a persons fears are by looking at them it doesn't work on some people but, it works on most" she explained as we started walking back to my room

"Okey my turn truth or dare?" She asked  I thought about it for a few seconds "Truth" I said she grinned ''What is your greates weakness at being a guardian?'' She asked

It was a weird quistion but I thought about it then answerd "I care to much about the kids and well if my staff breaks" I said with a shrug she nodded

"Okey tru-" she cuts me of saying "truth" Just what I was waited for "Tell me more about the fight with your dad" I said she looked sad and a bit guilty at me with her beautiful goldin eyes wait what?!

"What do you want to know?" she said looking at her feet "What was the fight about?" I asked Nightmare then shutterd

"A d-disagrement" she shutered I groan looking at her slightly annoid "Okey, but what was this 'disagrement' about?'' I asked her shoulders slumped

"Me becoming a g-guardian" She replied looking at her feet

that could not have been the entire fight could it? "What was so bad about that?" I asked she looked up "He wants me to help with his revenge, but I don't really want to so he started threatening me''

What?! "What did you say?" I asked trying to sound calm         "I said I'll think about it so he is coming back tommorow to to get his answer" she said

Yes! I can try to help her and stop Pitch at the same time "Hmm, lets tell the rest maybe they can help" I susgested she looked at me with shock

"Why do you want to help? It's not your problem" she asked frowning looking confused I smiled slightly she really thinks that? "Becuase guardians help each other"

She looked at me confused "Ha that's really diffrent than what I grew up with" she said now it's my turn to be confussusd

''Really what did you grow up with?'' I asked "My dad said if it is'nt your problem you leave it alone unless you can get something out of it" She said with a shrug

"So what? Now you learn to care when someone ells has a problem" I said as we walk to North's office again I walked in with out knocking "North we have a problem"

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