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Nightmare pov:

"Ha, I knew you would change mind pay up Bunny." North said looking smug holding out his hand and Bunny handed him $50 scowling

"Yeah, yeah stop gloating North." He said annoyed before glaring at me I raised my eyebrow "You two had a bet on my decision really? Frost do they always act like 5 year olds?" I asked

North and Bunny looked like they were going to protest Frost shrugged with an amused smile looking at them "Pretty much." He replied

''Will you be staying here or at your place?'' Jack asked North looked at us "Yes here or will you be staying at your house?" He asked smiling I shrugged

"Here why not maybe it will make my decision easier." I said Jack smilled "Come on I'll show you to your room." He said starting to walk away and I followed

He went up the stairs and I followed him till he stopped "This is my room yours will be next to mine so if you need anything just ask." He said with a smile I was confused that he was being nice to me, but didn't ask why it was probably just because I might be a guardian, trying to get me to agree then be rude to me

I walked into the room next to his he followed me I glared at him "What do you want? Why are you following me?'' I asked annoyed he shrugged "Want a tour?" He asked

I looked at him annoyed "fine, maybe it will be fun." I said and that's when I saw my dad grinning at me from the shadows

"Ah, n-never m-mind maybe later." I shutterd with a fake smile he looked confused about my shuttering, but nodded and walked out I closed the door and glared at my dad "What do you want?" I asked he laughed

"Someone is in a bad mood is it because you couldn't spend more time with Jack?" He asked amused I ignore him and went to sit on my bed "No, but talk why are you here?" I asked

he grinned "How is your mission going?" I should have known it was about this


I paced in a state of panice telling my dad that the Guardians chose me to be there new recruit "Why don't you use it to get revenge on them?" He asked

I stopped talking and turned to him with a raised eyebrow "Help you get revenge? No thank you that's your problem." I said

He chuckeld "Well now it's yours." He said I sighed knowing I'm not getting out of this "Okey fine I'll help you get your revenge." I mumbled "Brilliant see you later." he said before shadow traveling away

End of flashback

"I changed my mind I'm going to join them.'' I said crossing my arms over my chest I didn't really want to be part of his plan,I really wanted his approval, but why try? I habe been trying for years and he only ever cares if I could do something for him he even abused me more than once when I failed so why care?

He grinned for a second I almost missed it before sighing "Oh, well it is your choice, but first your going to help me get my revenge you don't want anything to happen to Jack do you?" he asked

I look at him in shock "Why do think I would care if he gets hurt?" I ask him confused causing him just to laugh

"Of course you do I can see you care for him you act like his puppet does whatever he wants, don't you think I would noticed?"

I look at him with shock I do not care for Jack he is annoying and I do NOT act like his puppet then again I don't want him getting hurt because of me I bit my lip

"Come b-back t-tommorow then you will h-have your a-answer  a-and I don't act like his puppet.'' I shuttered looking at my feet

"hmm, sounds fair I'll be back tomorrow the same time meet me here don't even think about being late and you do.'' He said forcing me to look at him

"Fine, but you can't be late either." I say trying not to sound scared and ignoring his last comment about being Jacks puppet

Because it would be pathetic if I'm scared of my own dad, no I am scared of him no trying to cover that up I mean who woudn't be? He is fear it self! he lets my  face go and shadow travel away

The scary thing is I already know I'm going to say yes because to be honest I may be scared of him, but I really want him to be proud of me and don't want Jack to get hurt

I also want to prove him wrong I'm not Jack frost's puppet!

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