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Nightmare Pov:

We ended the tour and went to Jacks room when we got there I sat on the bed "So what did you want to ask me?" I asked looking at him curiosly

He leaned againts the wall "What was wrong when I came to your room I could have sworn you cried, you promised to tell the truth so I'm not taking no for an answer" he said looking a mix between angry and consern at me

"My dad was here we had a fight I got upset happy?" I said annoid he looked concernd "Pitch was here? What did you fight about?" He asked I looked at my feet

"Just something he wants me to do but I don't want to so we had a fight that I should listen or bad things will happen why did I tell him? he would want more out of me!

I groaned I'm stupid I should not have said anything I jumped as Jack started laughing "Your not stupid and it's good that you told me'' he said smiling "What!? I said that out loud! why?

"Jack I'm goiong to my room I answerd your quistian know leave me alone" I said and starded walking out when he grabbed my arm stopping me dead in my tracks "What do you want Frost!?" I shouted giving him an evil glare

"Nightmare...how about we play a game insted of you being angry at me" he said I glared before roling my eyes of course he would like to play a game he is the guardian of fun after all

''Fine what game do you want to play?" I asked he grinned looking relieved that I agreed "Truth or dare"

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