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I was pacing around muttering curses then jack walked in and stared at my every move dad probely told him to keep a eye on me but that just makes me mad

"STOP STARING AT ME FROST!"i scream at the top of my lungs and he lookes away for a few minutes then went back to staring i sigh then go back to pacing and curcing because im trapped in my room with nightmares guarding every exit i cant even shadow traval then jack talked"i have to go"i look at him"d-dont m-miss me to m-much"he shutters probelly trying to risust the nightmare sand turning him in a puppet"whatever and tell my dad hes a asshole and how long am i goiong to have to stay in my room"he forces a grin and noddes then walk out

Pitch black:
I used one of my nightmares to call jack he was there after a few minutes"nightmares said that i should tell you that you are a asshole and how long she will be traped in her room"i sigh nightmare never was pasiont"go get her and jack then where goiong to pay the guardians a visit"he nodded then walked of

When they got back nightmare started shouting quistions"why did you want jack to bring me?What are you goiong to do now?did you hurt jack?wh-"i cut her of"one at a time"she looked angry"first i had jack bought you because your coming with second where goiong to attak the guardians and third no i didnt hurt jack"she calmed down

"Okey you answerd all my quistions just one more"i rolle my eyes "what?''she looked me and started screaming"WHY DO YOU THINK I WILL HELP YOU FIGHT THE GUARDIANS...why are you bringing me"she wisperd the last part but i still heard her"that was two and you will your coming because you will help no mater how much you dont want to because then i wont hurt jack deal?"she glared at me then sighed and nodded muttering a curse"good lets go''i said standing up and climbing on a nightmare hors jack did the same and nightmare summend a cloud made from nightmare sand i rolled my eyes"always trying to be diffrent"she grinned"jip and thats not changing any time soon"

When we got at the pole we shadow traveld on the globe and looked down at the guardians"a lookes like everyones here but wait whos missing...ahh jack"when i said he's name he walked out the shodows the guardians gasped then bunny threw a boomerang at me which nightmare caucht and threw back

''Nightmare you to?"she looked at them saddly almost like she was thinking why she wanted to join them then grinned"Yes im goiong to fight at my dads side even if he is a asshole sometimes"north lauged at the one commint then looked angry at her and i looked at her a bit proud and angry at the same time"jack attack you to nightmare"they nodeded then attacked

They started to win after a bit and i said they should come back nightmare looked sad because she was just about to hit bunny she started comming then punched him anyway"thats for insalting me"she said then came up when they where bouth up i shadow travel us back to the lair

"Nightmare did you mean what you said when you told them you are goiong to fight by my side?"she blushed then quikly said"yes"i look at then then tell them"bouth of you go to nightmares room"they walked of i saw nightmare punch jack and tell him that she did the most damage to the guardians they started fighting about who did the most damage with made me laugh quitly

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