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Jack frost pov:

She was about to continea when Bunny came in "Oh Come on now you probely won't ever tell" I winned

Bunny looks confused then brings out my staf "Do your magic Nightmare" He saud glaring she noddes "No you can't you will get hurt again'' I try to stop her but she grabes it obsorbes the nightmare sand and we both well unconsios

I woke up in the pole all the guardians were there "How long was I out?" I asked still tired Bunny sighs "A few ours" he said

I suddenly rembered what Nightmare did and and try to get out of bed but North stopes me "How is Nightmare? Is she okey?" I asked worried

North still held me down "Um... she is okey, but she is still unconsios" Ge said I nod "Take me to her please" I said North shakes his head  

"No you need to have something to drink and eat then rest you can see her later" He said I start to get suspicios their hidding something

What was wrong with her? But I nod two yetis come in with food and hot coco they put it down then tell North something he pailleld then nods and leaves

I tried to get up but stopped when bunny glared at me so I disised to eat the food and drink the coco "Done I want to see Nightmare" I said Bunny sighed looking annoud "Fine...but she is diffrent then last time okey" he said looking uncomfortabke wicth was a first

I noded and followed bunny to Nightmare's room

When I saw her I was shocked she was as pail as death and her face was scrunshed up in fear it lookes like she was having a nightmare 

Nightmare having a nightmare I smile a bit then she screamed and woke up panting I try to help then hug her I was happy she was awake "Jack to tight can't breath" sge chocked out

I let go then look at her she was till pail, but colour was starting to return and she was smiling at me then she looked down "How long was i out?" She asked

''A few hours what was wrong? It looked like you where having a nightmare" I asked conserned

''I was talking to my dad through a nightmare I told him what happended he ain't happy" She said I nod "Scar now" I said she looked at Bunny "He must leave" she said Bunny rolled his eyes trying to hude his curiosty, but did leave

"Talk" I demanded she glared at me but startes to tell "It was a few years ago he wanted me to help him turn things back to the dark ages and wanted me to help I refused not seeing a point and we started to fight our powers started...glitching and I got attacked by the nightmare horses they left a scare, we didn't talk for weeks! I think it was because he was guilty" She said then looked up

"How are you? There was a lot of sand in the staf more then last time" She asked I smirked "Perfect, but I didn't now you cared so much" I said

She punches me on the shoulder "I do care frost" she said I hold my shoulder then laugh and hug her again, but she had other plans

She pulled away from my hug and kissed me "See I care" She said smirked at my shocked expresion

I smile then scream "YES" And I do a happy dance to make her laugh then North came in

"Ah, good you truelly are awake now you must eat and have coco" He said looking curius

She scowels and stand up "I'm fine" she said North sighs but let her be she smiles and come to me "Rase you to my room" she said then she started to run and I run after her as fast as posible till she cheated and shadow traveld to her room

When I got there she was on the bed "You cheated you wern't aloud to shadow travel" I said pouting she rolleld her eyes smiling slightly "So what I win and next time I won't shadow travel" She said we heard a crash and ran to where we heard it

It was Pitch

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