Chapter 3

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After 2 long hours, and when I say long.. I mean LOOOOOONNNNGGG. Anyways after 2 long hours of cleaning Olaji- JJs room, I finally get it done. If I get the job, I really hope there rooms aren't like this.. I'd probably die.

"Anddddddddd.. TIME!!" Yells JJ, just as I put the last of the clothing into the drawers. Wow. He timed that pretty well.

"Ok Kather-"

"-Kate" I correct him.

"Ok, Kate wait here. I'm going to see the other guys and discuss about the maid thing." I nod. He leaves the room. This gives me time to explore the room. No, not like that. Just taking the features in. I'm going to have to learn them eventually.

The guys must have taken at least 20 minutes before they came back. Which, I don't really mind because I'm a somewhat patient person.

"So the guys and I have decided to... Not hire you. I'm sorry." JJ says. I put a shocked look on my face. What? This is bullshit! I worked so ha-

"Nahhhhh, we're just kidding" A new guy says. They all burst out into laughter. I force I pity laugh.

"You should have seen your face" The guy, Simon say. Then he mocks my facial expression.

"I'm Josh by the way" the ma- Josh says.

"Katherine. Or just call me Kate." I say, extending my hand. Josh shakes it. An awkward silence break through.

"Well, we have to record.. So? Ha.. Um.." Simon stutters. Record? What do they mean record?

"Yeah. I'll leave" I say, "finishing" his sentence. I exit the room, with all of the four guys following me. The house is so big I get lost as soon as I exit the room. I guess the guys noticed because someone offers to help me.

"Lost already?" Another guy asks. I don't say anything but nod. I see a smirk cross the new guys face. He goes down the hall, then turn right.. What? I'm not going to remember this.. At all.

"I'm Vikk" the guy that helped me said.

"As you should already know Kate." I say. I smile. He just smiles back. They direct me out of the house. Well, not OUT of the house. To the door. Just before I leave, I remember.

"Um, JJ.." I say, a bit hesitant.

"Hmm?" He mumbles. He too caught up with whatever is on his phone.

"When am I working and what days?"

"Oh, I don't know. I'll text you later tonight." He says. I nod. I don't say goodbye when I leave. I just leave. Well. Back to Freya.

After a long as trip back to the dorms I meet Freya on her bed texting.. Someone.

"Hey" I say as I enter the room. She looks up from her phone then smiles.

"Hi. Get the job?" She asks.

"Yup!!" I say, enthusiastically.

"Great! Do you know who your working for?" She asks. Well, that I'm kinda unsure about.

"Not really but I know who the people in the house are." She nods, I'm guessing she wants to know who.

"Um, there is JJ, Simon.. Josh.. And I forget the other one." I say.


"Ho-" I try to speak but she cuts me off.

"That's my boyfriends house and his housemates." Great. Just great. More people knowing who I am.

"That's nice! Well I'm exhausted and we have school tomorrow so... I'm heading to bed!"

"Ok sweet dreams!" I head to my room and get changed into some PJs. StarWars PJs to be exact.

I check my phone right before I go to sleep. Or at least try to go to sleep.


I check the message. Just a bunch of numbers. Ohhhh right. This is JJs number. I quickly put his number into my contacts. I put the emoji.. 👊 next to his name. I laugh at how wierd I am.

I check the message and I read it, well whisper it out loud.

Hi Kate! So you can work everyday from 4-9 PM. If these are bad time please feel free to text back and tell me. Also, the guys will most likely be recording during these periods. So, you'd have to be quiet when you're working. I hope this is reasonable for you!

4-9 hmmmm. It's not like I have anything else on then. So we might as well take those times. I text back..

Thank you JJ! These times would be fine and what would I be cleaning? Specifically?

I don't even have to wait 2 minutes before I get a response.

Well, we are hoping you can wash dishes, do laundry, clean each room of the house and stuff like that. We don't need you to clean the ENTIRE house everyday, just parts. So will you accept?

I think before I respond. Well, ya I can do all of those, so it should be fine.

Ya! Absolutely! And what time do you finish recording? Usually.

Well, usually we only stop recording for around an hour at the times that you will be working. So I just say do a bedroom a day, dishes everyday and laundry. Also we will be giving you the supplies you need to work!

Ok thank you!

After that there was no more response. So I decide to just call it a night.

I must be crazy. This is pure dedication. I have to clean that entire house. Well, not in one day, but it's still a big house.

I flip to my left side and fix the pillow I'm sleeping on. Well, today has been rushed, but exciting none the less.

-Abby (Sdmn_Abby)

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