Chapter 10

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Last night, Tobi drove me back to my dorm. And of course, Freya had to ask me a million questions about the date. I was exhausted and ended up falling asleep around midnight.

This morning, I woke up at 6:00 so I can get ready for class.

However, when I woke up, there was another girl in the room that I had never seen before in my life. She was sitting in Freya's bed, scrolling through her phone, oblivious to the fact that I am awake.

"Um hi?" I say awkwardly.

"Oh hey," she looks up from her phone and gives a little wave before looking down at her phone like being in a stranger's room this early in the morning isn't weird.

"Who are you?" I ask while sitting up in my bed.

"Oh Im Abby," she replies.

"Are you one of Freya's creepy friends?" I ask while fixing my hair so I don't look that bad.

"I guess you could say that," she laughs, "Im Simon's girlfriend."

"Oh. Well nice to meet you. Im Ka-," she cuts me off.

"I already know. You're Katherine, Tobi's girlfriend," she laughs.

"Im guessing Freya told you everything."


I roll my eyes playfully.

"Speaking of Freya, where is she?" I question.

"She went to go get breakfast from McDonald's," Abby replies. I nod.

"So are you gonna come to hang out at the house after your classes? Tobi, Ethan, and Harry will be there," She asks me.

"Yeah sure. I gotta do my job there anyways," I reply.


I keep my head low as I walk out of chemistry class. I cant believe I got a D on the test. I feel like I'm about to cry.

I go to my dorm and drop off my books and papers. I just wanna lay in bed and cry myself to sleep but I have to work today. Plus, I already told Abby that I would hang out with them.

I grab a black hoodie and leave the dorm to go to the Sidemen house.


As I walk into the house with the key the guys gave me, I already see a mess. Shoes are scattered all over the entrance area. I immediately start moving them and organizing them.

Once they look nice and neat, I go into the kitchen where I find Simon and Abby sitting next to each other and Freya and Josh sitting next to each other. Tobi and Vik were sitting on the counter top. Who knows where the others are.

"Hey Kate," Tobi says to me and hops off the counter to walk over to me.

I force a smile, once again, because I'm really not in the mood to talk.

"How was school?" Tobi asks and hugs me.

"Fine," I reply although it was awful and I just want to cry.

I walk over to the fridge after the hug and search through it.

"Just fine?" Tobi questions.

I nod and find a frozen pizza. I take it out and bring it to the oven.

The room stays quiet and I don't even have to turn around to know that they are exchanging glances.

I turn the oven on and put the pizza in. I quickly walk out of the room without looking at the others.

I make my way upstairs into Josh and Vik's shared bathroom.

I get out the cleaner and spray it on the sink.

I didn't notice the footsteps behind me because as I look up and into the mirror, I see myself and Tobi.

I gasp and jump back.

"Did I scare you?" He asks.

"Yeah," I say and force a laugh.

I continue cleaning the sink and he just watches me.

"I know something is bothering you. What's wrong?" He asks after a while of me cleaning the bathroom.

I don't want to tell him because I don't want to bring the topic up but I just need to tell someone and get it out.

"I got a D on my chemistry test," I blurt out.

His facial expression changes from concerned to sympathetic.

I pulls me in a hug and I let the tears flow.

"It's ok. Let it out," he soothes and rubs my back with one hand and runs the other through my hair.

And we stay like that until I calm down. And when I do calm down, he pulls back, moves the loose strands of hair out of my face and wipes a tear from my cheek.

"You'll be ok. It's just a stupid class," he assures.

And he is right. It is just a stupid class that I have to take to get the degree that I want.

-Kayla (KaylaXIX )

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