Chapter 36 The Honeymooners & The Sorry

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~In Hawaii~


When we got to to our room I'm Hawaii Savanna started to get really chipper but I didn't mind it cause I know she was excited and I'm happy that she loves it. She ran around the room and fell on the bed. She sat up and smiled at me.

Savanna-I feel like this is dream. Like I'm not awake

Me-Trust me baby it's not dream

She smiled wider, then got up and walked over to me. She slid her arms around my neck while mine slid around her waist. She pecked my lips, then pulled back and looked at me.

Savanna-I love you

Me-I love you too ma

She pecked my lips one more time then pulled away. She walked over to the balcony doors and opened them.

Savanna-This view is beautiful

It was a view of the beach and it really was beautiful. I walked up behind her and snaked my arms around her waist. She turned her head toward me as she laid her hands on mine. I stole a kiss from her looked back at the view.

Me-Wanna go to the beach?


Me-Go get your bathing suite on

Savanna-Ok baby

I let go of her and she ran off into the bathroom. I put my hands on the door and stared at the view, not really believing this happening.

Five minutes later I felt arms wrap around my waist. I lifted up my arm and wrapped it around her shoulder.

Savanna-Why aren't you ready?

Me-I was just taking this all in


I kissed her head, then let her go and walked away.

~Meanwhile Back In L.A.~


I was still throwing all of Roc's shit out when I look up and see him standing in the doorway shaking his head.

Roc-Bri I'm so sorry I really am

Me-Its a little late for that don't you think?

Roc-I never ever meant to hurt you. I don't even know what I was doing and it was just a heat of the moment thing. She was up on me and I stopped thinking for one second and I did something stupid. I'm so so- *gco*

Me-Roc stop just stop ok I don't want to hear it

Roc-Brianna I love you so much. You are everything to me and I can't imagine life without you. I want us to be together. I really don't want to be without you or my babies

She sighed and looked out the window.

Roc-Brianna I know what I did was really really wrong. Hell unforgivable but I want you to try and look somewhere in your heart and see if there's a part of you that can forgive me. I never messed up until now, I always was faithful to you and I know this is terrible but I want a second chance to make it right and to keep you happy. I promise I won't mess up ever again because I didn't know what I had until I lost it and I was so cocky but please let me have one more chance

I was in tears because I couldn't believe that after one day he's already apologizing.

This boy is truly in love with me but honestly I need some time before I can truly forgive him because what he did was dirty and low down.

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