Chapter 44 Secret Appointments

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~Friday Morning~


I woke up bright and early because today I had my appointment that Prince still doesn't know about.

I know I said I was gonna tell him but when I started to tell him I just couldn't.

All he knows is that I have to go somewhere and he's gonna be stuck with the kids for a few hours which is fine with him.

I got up, went in the bathroom, took a shower, got out, did my hair, got dressed, then went downstairs and started on breakfast.

As I was making that eggs I could hear Jac crying. I turned the eggs off because they were done anyway, then I went upstairs for my baby.

I went into his room and he was screaming bloody murder. I picked him up and held him before I went downstairs with him. He stopped crying and looked at me.

Me-Hi baby boy. Did you just want your mommy?

He just stared at me like I had such beauty. I kinda blushed as it remind me of how Prince looks at me.

I took him downstairs, fed him and laid him down on the playpen.

I went back into the kitchen and started cooking again. I began humming 'Memories back then'.

I then felt arms wrap around me and kisses on my shoulder. I smiled as I thought of who it was.

Prince-Morning sexy

Me-Morning baby

Prince-You were amazing last night. I haven't seen you with that much energy since I left

Me-Well I just thought I would give you something really special

I turned around and snaked my arms around his neck as he did the same to my waist. I kissed him with a little bit of both passion and hunger.

He pulled away and I lick my lips.

Prince-What did you do?

Me-Nothing. Why?

Prince-Because you're only extra freaky like this when you did something or-

Me-When I'm just horny maybe?

Prince-But last night-

Me-Was only the beginning baby but when I got home, the bed will break and the neighbors will know your name

Prince-I am so turned on right now

Me-I know. Now sit your fine ass down and let me finish breakfast

Prince-Yes sexy

He turned around and I smacked his ass. He turned back around and looked at me like I lost it.

Me-That's not my name fine ass. Now sit

Prince-My bad. Si mami

Me-Good papi

Prince-You turn me on to a whole new extreme

Me-I know

As I was finishing breakfast I heard the doorbell ring. Prince got up and got the door. He came back in with Bri.

Me-Hey sis

Bri-Hey you ready to go?

Me-Yea let me eat first


Me-Do you want some?

Bri-Yup sure do

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