Chapter 48 It's Not Over Yet

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Two Years Later


We got back to L.A. two months after Savanna was kidnapped because we were looking all around the world for her until we found out that Shania wasn't helping us find her, she was helping them stay hidden.

I beat her ass and we came back to L.A. We all went to Prince's house after we picked up the babies. It was  funny to see them because Jasmine and Jaylen were ten months and Jac was four.

My babies were nine months and they missed their mommy. I missed them too.

I know out of all people, Jaylen misses his mommy too and I want to get her back but I can't.

Once we walked in the door, Prince dropped his stuff and went straight for the couch.

He began to cry and that's when I went over there and sat next to him to comfort him.


Me-I'm so sorry Prince. I really am

Prince-She needs to come home because I need her and her babies need her

Me-Prince I need you to do me a promise for the babies sake


Me-Don't do anything stupid ok and don't give up on Savanna. I know she can find her way home

Prince-Ok I won't

Me-Ok. Now do you want me to stay here so you won't be alone tonight or?

Prince-You can go home I'll be ok. I have my babies

Me-Are you sure?

Prince-I'll be fine Brianna


I leaned in and hugged him with tears running down my face. I pulled away and kissed his forehead.

Me-We'll find her, I promise

I smiled, then I got up and left. I went home with Roc and my babies. I laid in bed with them and cried myself into a restless sleep.

~Flashback Over~

So you see what happened and now her babies have grown up without her and Prince hasn't moved on yet which is good because I still have high hopes that she'll come back.


I woke up and looked next to me to find Jesse sleep. Finally. He doesn't usually sleep while I do so he can watch me but I think he's stupid because he can't watch me now.

As I was about to get out of bed and got downstairs, I felt something pull me back down. I looked at my wrist and saw I was tied to him.

What the hell? No he didn't tie me to him.

Jesse-Where are you going baby?

See we're "together" as he likes to call it but I don't fucking love him because of what did. He also as you can see doesn't trust me so he stays up with me at first while I was sleep and now he ties us together while we sleep.

He doesn't let me have a phone or let me leave the house alone. He doesn't leave me in the house alone unless he locks up the house real tight.

Me-I have to go to the bathroom. Alone

Jesse-That's all you had to say

Me-Can you let me go?

He untied us and I got up and punched him the face and ran. He got up and ran after me. I got out of the house and ran down the street. He chased me, then caught me and began beating me.

He was beating the hell out of me until there was a gunshot and that's when he stopped.

I pushed him off and saw a guy standing behind him with a gun. He helped me up and I looked down at Jesse, then back at the man.

Me-Thank you so much

???-No problem. Similar thing happened to my daughter but I wasn't there to protect her and she didn't make it, so it's the least I can do

Me-I'm sorry about your daughter. I have a little girl at home and I miss her so much. I haven't seen her in two years or my sons. I'm Savanna by the way

???-I'm Curtis and where are your kids?

Me-Back in L.A. with their dad

Curtis-Why are you here?

Me-He kidnapped me so we could be "together"

Curtis-I'm sorry but I would be happy to help you get back to L.A. with you kids and your....


Curtis-I didn't see the ring

Me-He made me take it off

Curtis-You have three kids and a husband? You're so young

Me-I know but it happened

Curtis-How long have you been married?

Me-Two years and come to think of it my babies should be two years old. I missed they're first steps and probably the first word

Curtis-I'm sorry but like I said I'll be happy to help

Me-No it's ok, you've done enough for me already

Curtis-Please let me help


Curtis-I'll pay for your plane ticket home

Me-Oh you don't have to

Curtis-It's the least I can do because I know more then anything what you're going through and I know you miss your babies

Me-I do thank you

Curtis-My pleasure

I went back into the house and locked up tight just in case he wasn't dead. I started going through his stuff and I found my ring. I kissed it and put it back on.

I couldn't find his phone but that doesn't matter because tomorrow I was going home.

I packed my stuff and stayed for the rest of the night. I couldn't wait to go home.

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