Chapter 59 Here Comes The Baby

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I soon felt the sharp pain in my stomach and I held on and screamed.

Bri:Sis are you ok?

Me:No. This baby is coming now

Bri:Oh my God. PRINCETON!

He looked at Bri and ran over to me and her.

Prince:what's wrong?

Bri:We have to get her to the hospital, she's having this baby now

Prince:It's two weeks early

Me:Can we have this conversation later and get me to the hospital?!


We got her up and to the limo. We told the driver to drive to the hospital at full speed. Once we got there we got her into a room and she was fully dilated in two hours.


I stood next to Savanna and gripped onto her hand while screamed, squeezed, and pushed. She pushed three times and we heard crying. I looked up and saw my beautiful baby girl.

Nurse:Would you like to do the honors dad?

The nurse handed me the scissors. I smiled and cut the umbilical cored. They cleaned her off and handed her to me. I looked down at her and smiled.

She was so beautiful and she looks like me and Savanna.

Savanna:Hey hey, I want to see my baby too. I pushed her out

I sat down next to Savanna with Jamila in my arms.

Savanna:She's beautiful

Me:Jamila Isabel Perez


Name:Jamila Isabel Perez

Born:6/20/18 at 2:05pm

7 pounds 8 Ounces



The doctor and nurses left, then Prince handed me Jamila and went out to get everyone, I'm guessing.

Prince came back with only Bri, Roc, his mom, and my mom. They were quiet as they said aww and looked at Jamila with an emotional face.

Ginger:Aww look at my Granddaughter. She's beautiful

Teresa:She is. She looks like Savanna and Jacob

Ginger:She does

They all took turns holding my baby and talking about her. They soon had to leave so my and the baby could go to sleep.

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