Chapter 2 The Nerve You have

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Seven Months Later-Savanna's House-Bri Eray & Savanna


So it's been seven months since we talked to Prince, Roc, and Ray and honestly I could care less because they are just bitches and I fucking hate them. I really hate Prince for a reason that shocked us all. I'm pregnant and I'm seven months all thanks to him. I didn't tell him cause I deleted his number and I don't know where he is cause he wasn't at his house so I guess this baby won't have a father.

Anyway me, Bri, and Eray are at my house and I'm bitching about how fucking big I am. Fuck this shit.

Me-Ugh I'm fucking huge

Bri-It's not that bad

Me-You can say that since you don't have a human growing inside of you

Bri-You only have two months left then he'll be out

Oh Yea I forgot to mention that it's a boy his name is gonna be Jaylen.

Eray-Are you excited?

I looked at her cause I know she's just changing the subject but I was excited.

Me-Yea I am. He's gonna be beautiful

Bri-I can't wait cause I'm gonna be an Auntie

Me-You already are

Bri-But I'm gonna be with this baby forever

Me-Damn I feel bad for Jaylen now

Me and Eray laughed at that and Bri just looked at us like "Y'all some bitches for that"

Bri-Shut the fuck up

Me-Look we were just playin

Eray-I think we should go to the mall

Me-Oh Yea I need to go shopping cause being in this house on my pregnant ass is not helping me or my temper so help me up

Bri and Eray got, then they helped me up and we got into Bri's car and left.

The Mall

We hit so many stores and honestly I need to sit my ass down cause my feet hurt so we went over to the food court and sat down. About five minutes later there was this huge commotion and we wanted to know what was up so we got up and found out. Trust me when I say I would've been happy not knowing.

Me-Ugh hell no we need to go

Bri-We can't just watch?

Me-You can stand here and watch haha but im leaving

Bri-You don't want to watch?

Me-No cause if I do it'll send me into premature labor I'm good have fun I'll meet you in the car

I started to walk away until I heard the music stopped and Prince's voice.

Prince-Umm me, Roc, and Ray want to dedicate this next song to three beautiful girls that we hurt dearly and that we love so much and that we miss so Savanna, Bri, and Eray we don't know if you're here or not but if you are this is for you

I heard the beginning of Missing You and I immediately broke out into tears. I slowly turned around and walked back to Bri and Eray who were also in tears as they watched them. I held my stomach and cried more as I thought about Jaylen. When the song ended we turned around and started to walk away cause we couldn't do it no more but then I guess they saw us cause they called our names.




Bri and Eray turned around but I couldn't.

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