〰Chapter 3〰

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Cameron's POV;

"Why are you so happy?" Sierra asked as I walked out of my room with a big grin on my face.

"No reason." I chirped sitting beside her.

"Is it that Annika girl?" She smirked nudging me.

"Shut up." I said narrowing my eyes at her.

"It is isn't it!" She exclaimed slapping me excitedly.

"Yes! Now stop hitting me!" I yelled. Even though Sierra and I were 19 and 21 we fought like 5 year olds. Except for the swearing.

"Awwww cute, I ship it!" She squealed and unlocked her phone. She opened Twitter and searched Annika Mendes.

"Sierra." I whined as she followed Annika.

"What? She's pretty, and she can sing." She giggled, locking her phone again.

"Cam, Sierra, you guys fight like little kids." My dad said walking from the living room. I was moving out. And Sierra was only here to help with the move.

"Dinner!" My mom said before Sierra and I started fighting again.

Annika's POV;
"What are you even looking at?" Ali my best friend said. She's going to Magcon too.  But her parents thought it was this week so they planned there trip to Australia early. That's not something you can cancel. I have to admit. Two months down in Australia sounds fun. So Ali is staying with us till Magcon starts.

"Uh, nothing." I said trying to turn my phone away from her before she could see the pictures of Cameron I was looking at. He was so hot oh my fucking God.

"Cameron Dallas, eh?" She said nudging me.

"Ha, I wish." I laughed, Cameron would never go for someone like me.

"I think that that your brother is hot as fuck." She said wiggling her eyebrows as she opened her phone.

"Ew." I said as she opened her Twitter.

"He's. Per-Fect." She said dragging the t. I laughed. Oh damn. Nash was really hot too.

"I think that Shawn likes you though, I'm not even kidding you." I said honestly, I caught him checking her out a lot. And he gets nervous around her.

"Haha no, have you seen his exs?" She asked locking her phone.

"Yeah, there slutty, and fuck and go." I said locking my phone. Both of us were sprawled across my huge bed.

"But there really pretty!" She said holding me poop emoji pillow tight to her chest.

"Well your gorgeous." I said throwing a pillow at her.

"Dinners ready." Shawn said walking into my room. His eyes scanned Ali as he walked out. Then they made eye contact and blushed.

"SHIP IT!" I yelled after Shawn left. He probably heard me.

"ANNA!" Ali exclaimed clasping her hand over my mouth. Her face was bright red now.

"You love me." I grinned like a idiot at her as we walked to the bathroom.

"If you say one more thing about me liking Shawn I'm going to fucki-" Shawn opened the bathroom door. His face flushing shades of pink. He obviously heard. Ali knew it too. Her face was a deep shade of red now.

"Ship it." I whispered in her ear receiving a weak slap. I quickly washed my hands and skipped down the stairs. I left a seat beside Shawn for Ali. Ali walked down the stairs giving me a death glare. Shawn looked up from his phone a smiled shyly at her. I held in the urge to yell ship it once again. She smiled back and say in between Shawn and I. My mom sat beside Shawn and my dad beside her. Leaving a empty spot on the other side of me. Our mom was a really good cook. I guess that's were I got it from.

"This is really good." Shawn said his mouth full of meat. BBQ sauce on his face.

"You have a little something right here." Ali giggled touching the side of her own face.

"Where?" Shawn asked soon after swallowing his food. He wiped the wrong side of his face.

"Other side." She giggled again. This time he wiped right side just in a completely different spot.

"Just give up Al, he's the dumb half." I said taking a sip of my water.

"Shut up." Shawn said his mouth once again filled with food.

"Shawn, don't talk with your mouth full." My mom scolded, both Ali and I giggled this time. Once we finished dinner Shawn and I had our regular burping contest. Whoever wins gets the biggest dessert. I'm not much of a girly girl.

"Ali wanna join?" Shawn asked as he put his plate in the sink. Ali and I were almost polar opposites. She was way more of a girly girl. But then again. Even blonde needs a brunette best friend right?

"Nah, I'm good." She chuckled.

"Okay, if I win Ali wins second place and if I lose Ali is third." I said pouring Shawn and I a cup of sprite.

"Okay, 1, 2, 3, go!" She said, she did this every night she was over. Both of us pounded back the sparky clear liquid. Shawn let out a short loud burp. I let out a surprising loud and long burp.

"Ha! I win!" I said grinning.

"Anna, your lucky your pretty." My mom sighed walking into the kitchen shaking her head.

"Hey!" I said putting both my hands on my hips. Both Ali and Shawn started to laugh. I have to admit most guys wouldn't find burping attractive. Like I said before I'm not a girly girl, and I'm not changing that for any guy.

"Your the one that raised me mother." I stated.

"Touché." She said putting her hands in the hot water we out our dishes in. All of my household had dark brown hair but me. I get it from my auntie, her and my cousins have blonde hair. My phone when off letting me know I had a text. Cam. I smiled.



"Who ya texting?" Shawn said looking over my shoulder. I quickly locked my phone.

"Ooooooo Anna's texting a boyyyyy." He said like he was tattling on me.

"Oooooo is he cute?" My mom said turning to me with wild excited eyes.

"Mom!" I whined, my face tingled a slightly pink.

Chapter 4 coming soon, stay tuned.

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