Chapter 16

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Cam's POV;

"Why is this happening to me!" I practically yelled at Nash.

"Dude, calm down." Nash said making me more pissed off.

"How am I supposed to calm down?!" I also screamed at him. What am I doing?

"I don't know Cameron." He sighed, I felt like shit for yelling at him.

"I'm sorry for yelling I'm just really mad." I sighed sinking into the bed.

"Didn't you say she said I don't know?" Nash asked making me look up at my blue eyed best friend.

"Yeah?" I responded.

"So, make it happen."

"What? Her and Matt?"

"No, you and her."

"Anna doesn't want me man." I sighed looking down at my hands.

"What have you got to lose?" He asked making me look up.

"I don't know what the fuck your talking about Nash.

"Never mind, I'm going to bed." He sighed. I growled and shut off the lights. May as well try and sleep it off, or try and forget.


Her face was burned into my mind like a tattoo. I'm never going to get over this. Nash's voice echoed in my head. Make it happen, you and Anna. I shook my head. Why would she want someone like me? What do I have to lose? Then it hit me. The only thing I have to lose is her. I stood up and grabbed my phone and walked out of the room to Anna's room. It's 3am what am I doing?! I took a deep breath and knocked on her door. Within seconds the door opened revealing Anna. She doesn't even have to try.

Anna's POV;
"Cameron?" I asked looking at him in confusion.

"Hi." He said quietly.

"It's 3am."

"I know."

"What are you doing here?" 

"I needed to do something."

"What?" I asked, before I could say anything he kissed me. I kissed him back. God,  how I missed his lips. His hands moved to my hips holding them tightly. He pulled me closely pressing our body's together.

"I know this might ruin the moment but will you go out with me?" He said pulling his face away so I could look at him. I bit my lip and nodded. He smiled widely and kissed me again pushing us into the room. He closed the door with his foot.

"I wanted to ask that for a long time." He said breathlessly. I smiled and kissed him.


Ali's POV;

I stared at my sleeping daddy like a stalker.

"I can feel you staring?" He mumbled smiling. I jumped almost falling off the bed. He laughed once he opened his eyes.

"Your such ass." I said narrowing my eyes at him.

"I'm your ass." He smiled then realized that that made no sense. I laughed and got up.

"Where ya going?" He asked propping himself up on his elbow revealing his naked chest.

"To shower and get dressed." I explained pulling Shawn's over sized hoodie off of me.

"Without me?" He smirked jokingly.

"Yup." I said popping the p.

"Babe." He called as I started to walk away.

"Hm?" I hummed turning in my heel to face the brown haired boy laying in our bed.

"I love you." He smiled, I smiled and walked back over to the bed.

"I love you too." I said kissing his nose. He frowned and pulled me on top of him.

"Shawn." I giggled as he held me tightly in his arms.

"I could get used to this." He said nuzzling his face into my neck. I sighed. Shawn Mendes loves me. I couldn't help but smile. I heard a small snore from him and giggled silently.

"Baby." I whispered. He hummed against my neck.

"I've gotta shower." I said quietly he shook his head and held me tighter. I yawned and he let me go and pulled me down beside him and pulled the covers over us.

"Your tired." He said pulling me against his chest. I nodded and he sung quietly making me sleepier. My eyes shut and I cuddled up against him.


"Wakey wakey." I heard a female say as someone crawled in beside me.

"Anna?" I asked opening my eyes. I was to face with her with Shawn beside me breathing heavily on my neck.

"Yup." She said popping the p.

"How did you get in here?" I whispered trying not to wake my sleeping boyfriend.

"I told the lady in the lobby I lost my key." She said in a hushed voice. Shawn shifted and yawned.

"Anna?" He asked removing his arms from me sitting up.

"No." She said sarcastically.

"Is there something I'm missing?" He asked looking at us.

"She told the lady in the lobby she lost her key." I explained sitting up.

"Oh." Shawn said laying back down.

"I'm gonna shower." I said as Anna sat up.

"Okay. I'll go." She said getting up.

"Now I have you all to myself." Shawn whispered pulling me back down.

"Don't forget to use protection! We don't want any Little childern running around!" Anna yelled. Classic Anna. I rolled my eyes as she shut the door.

"My sisters a idiot." He sighed rolling his eyes.

"I wonder who she gets it from?" I said looking at him with raised eyebrows.

"Hey, she's your best friend." He laughed.

"Even though she's a idiot with her head in the gutters I still love her." I laughed. It's horrible what happened with Lane.

"Same." He laughed kissing me. I smiled and kissed him back.

"I love you." He mumbled against my lips.

"I love you too." I hummed as he pulled me closer.

"I'm taking you out tonight." He stated breaking the kiss.

"Alright, well I'm going to shower now." I stated standing up.

"Fine." He sighed. I chuckled and walked into the bathroom.

Okay. Well this is my 16th chapter! Zayum! Okay I'm thinking about adding more parts with Ali and Shawn but I don't know yet. Idk how many more chapters I should have. Do if y'all have any feed back please comment!

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