⚔Chapter 19⚔

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Anna POV;

I didn't know what to think. All my life, all of it was a lie. I sank further down at the thought. Nobody would be able to find me for hours. I hope. I curled up in the fetal position. Tears streamed down my face. I sobbed and let my face fall into my knees. I cried. I cried like a little baby. I'm sure why this meant so much to me. I guess it was because my whole life was a lie. Well, not necessarily.

"Anna?" I heard someone ask, I shook my head assuming it was Shawn.

"Anna, it me." I looked up to see Cameron sitting beside me. He pulled me on to his laps and I sobbed quietly.

"Shhhh, I got you baby." He hushed stroking my hair. I clung to him burying my face into his chest.

"I look like a slut." I laughed wiping some tears pulling away slightly.

"I actually think you look really fucking hot." He smirked his eyes scanning my body.


As soon as Shawn found us it was a gong show. I don't want to be around anyone but Cameron. I don't know what it was about him I just felt safe with him. I knew I was over reacting. Luckily Ali convinced Shawn that it was better to leave me alone.

"Are you okay?" Cameron asked closing the door behind us.

"Never mind, that's a dumb question." He sighed shaking his head.

"I'll be fine, you can leave if you want." I said hoping that he wouldn't leave. He laughed and sat close beside me

"What?" I asked breathlessly staring at him. Stop staring Anna.

"Why would I leave?" He asked quietly leaning in a bit.

"Because I'm boring." I laughed sniffing a bit. He laughed and leaned even more. His hot minty breath hit my face and his chocolatey eyes scanned my body making me shift uncomfortably. Why do you do this to be Cameron?

"Anna your not boring." He whispered licking his lips. Stop teasing me. I wanted to kiss him so bad. He sat still not moving in anymore. Just fucking kiss me. It's been a while since I kissed Cameron and to be honest it's just driving be insane.

"Wanna go get something to eat it something?" He asked pulling away. Fuck it. I grabbed the back of Cameron's neck and pulled him into a kiss. He tried to kiss me back and I pulled away.

"Your such a tease." He smirked and rolled on top of me. I gasped and giggled.

"Your so beautiful." He sighed staring at me.

I heard the door open and Kelsey walked in.

"Oh my god I'm sorry." She said turning around. Cameron quickly got off of me.

"No, it's fine we were just about to go get food." I said realizing how sick minded Kelsey is.

"Well uh, Shawn wants to see you..." She trailed off as I sat up from the bed. I sighed and stood up. May as well face the facts.

"So, what did he want to talk to me about, I mean like if you know? Shit sorry I'm rambling. I'm rambling right? Why am I rambling? I'm like totally rambling right?" I rambled on and Kelsey grabbed my arm.

"Anna. I know your stressed out but trust me. It. Will. Be. Fine." She said pulling me into a tight hug.

"Shawn called yo-his parents and they found out who your real parents are..." She said smiling widely.

"What?" I gasped not sure how to feel about it.

"He was able to talk to them and they want to come meet you." She smiled and my eyes widened I don't know to be happy or to be pissed. I opened my mouth and soon closed it due to lack of words.

"When?" I finally spat out.

"Tomorrow!" She said as if it was the most obvious thing in the world.

"What?!" I practically screamed.

"Calm down Shawn will explain it." She giggled like I should know this already. I stomped to Shawn's room and banged on the door. Carter opened the door and his eyes widened at my angry expression.

"Where's Shawn?" I growled.

"Shawn!" Carter called keeping a eye on me like I was gonna rip his head off.

"Anna." He smiled weakly at me.

"Save it. We need to talk. Now." I said not wasting any time.

"Okay." He followed me into the hallway and closed the door.

"What. The. Actual. Fuck. Shawn?!" I whisper yelled.

"What the fuck is wrong?" He whisper yelled back.

"Why the fuck would you call my 'parents'?!" I whispered wanting to scream at him.

"Because I want you to meet them!" He hissed.

"You know what." I said talking normally.

"I'm done, as soon as Magcon is over I'm moving far away." I said throwing my hands up.

"Go ahead." He said crossing his arms. I rolled my eyes and spun on my heal. I ignored Kelsey as I walked down the stairs. I needed some time to think about this. I put my earphones in and once I was out of the building and started to walk away from hotel. I hoped that no fans would see me but on the same token I didn't care. I need to think.

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